Will you pass the AIRPORT quiz?

Oct 19, 2020 5:01 pm

Here's a quiz...

Your flight home gets delayed, how do you respond to it?!?

  1. "Ughhhh...now this ruins everything I had scheduled upon my return."
  2. "Hell yeah who doesn't want to spend more time on vacation, I dread going home."
  3. "Eh, it changes my plans, but I will adjust and make the best of it.

I am a big believer that one of the the best ways to get to know someone...travel with them.


Because traveling is one of those areas of life where things never go according to plan. For some people, this can make it extremely uncomfortable.

It is not just a way of getting to know others, you can get to know YOURSELF as well.

If can show you how well you can adapt to changes and handle the stress that comes with it.

Stress is a hot topic these days. And while the talk around reducing stress is abundant, I want to start a different discussion around getting uncomfortable and growing our stress tolerances. AKA conditioning ourselves to handle more stress through mindfulness and self-awareness practices. I believe we should all work to get stronger and more fit as humans, especially with our MINDS.

The cool thing is, you just took the first quiz on this journey. What number did you pick above? If you chose 1 or 2, (don't lie! most of us fall in these two categories) you are running from some kind of stressor, rather than hitting it head on and handling it.

1 tells me that you are easily stressed by a change of plans, which in reality means you are anxious about the future, rather than being present in the moment and taking advantage of what you can do in the moment. The only time you can LIVE, is right now. So stop sweating the small stuff, GO LIVE.

2 tells me that you are not setting yourself up for success in your current lifestyle. If you dread going home, that means that you may want to consider a new "home." For me, I never felt at "home" until Austin Texas. My advice to everyone is to explore different places and find the right fit for you. Life is too short not to live it in a place that you love!

If you chose 3, it means that you ride the wave of change and adapt to what life throws at you. You are in control of not attaching too much of your energy to outcomes you cannot control.

^^^3 is what we should strive for in life, yet it is extremely hard to do at times.

As humans we are emotional creatures, so taking a step back, breathing in deep, and making clear headed decisions at times, can be difficult.

This week, I am asking you to do exactly what I mention above. Take a step back, do some breath-work, and reflect on the areas of life that you are letting the fear of change control you.

Ask yourself how you can take back the control and use the stress as something that helps you, rather than hurts you.

I promise you that if you are able to do this, if you are able to increase your stress tolerance by adapting more quickly to change, you will live a happier and healthier life.

Happy Monday fam!


