Destroy conditioning and get back to your ESSENCE.

Oct 23, 2020 5:01 pm

My friend Brian from Startup Island made an amazing statement Wednesday night when we were on a virtual panel together.

He mentioned that when we are born, we have a unique essence to our entire being. Yet, as we get older, we slowly get conditioned by society, and if we aren't careful, we can lose the entirety of our essence.

I don't know about you, but what he said hit close to home.

Last week I asked "who were you before the world told you who to be?!?!"

Coincidently, this week, Brian mentioned a statement that was eerily similar to what I asked you to ponder at the end of last week.

My gut tells me that the universe made this happen for a reason.

I have been on a journey the past few months to get back to my essence.

Here are a few ways I have done so.

  1. Got back into running & playing sports.
  2. I bought a bike to ride through the city / parks.
  3. I have participated in creative outlets just for fun, rather than attaching a dollar sign to it.
  4. I'm slowing down and cooking more, taking better care of my mind and body, and spending more time with my wife.

I'm still looking in the mirror and working to get back to who I was before I allowed myself to get conditioned and stressed by the pressures of society.

And I'd love for you to take ACTION this weekend and do something that represents the essence of who you are as a human being.

Send me a picture of it, write me back here about it, or tag me in a DM on IG.

It is time we inspire each other to lean back into our uniqueness and bring the essence of humanity back.


