Why aren't you taking care of yourself?!?
Oct 27, 2020 5:01 pm
You take your car to regular maintenance.
You go to the dentist to make sure you have no cavities.
You may even go to your doctor every once and awhile for a checkup.
Yet, why aren't you getting a massage once in awhile to help your muscles recover?
Why aren't you going to a float spa to zen out and help your mind recover?
Why aren't you proactively going to a Chiropractor/Massage Therapist/Personal Trainer to make sure you muscles and bones are in alignment for optimal functionality?
Probably because you have been conditioned to think that doing any of the above is...
- Too expensive
- Takes up too much time
- Flat out unnecessary because you are "healthy" and don't need it.
In which my rebuttals would be,
- I see you at that restaurant buying that $100 dinner for two... + the bar afterwards.
- Time is our most precious resource, and most valuable asset. So would you rather spend your time investing in your health, or spend the time later on dealing with sickness/disease? (Sickness costs way more than preventative maintenance too in the long run).
- You are all "healthy" until one day you are not. When that day comes, you finally realize how all our decisions have added up over time and you wish you could go back to change some of them. DON"T BE A WISHER! Take preventative action now.
BTW I am no saint when it comes to any of this. In fact, I'm literally writing this to myself for the most part.
I made my own disease worse by what I ate, all the alcohol I drank, and overbooking my schedule constantly, which produced unnecessary amounts of stress and anxiety....aka I always made my own life more painful than it needed to be.
Call it stubbornness, naivety, or plain old stupidity, I lived it...but I did not love it.
Then in my mid-20's, I got really sick and realized I had to change.
And even though I drastically changed my life by cutting out drinking, changing my diet to fit my personal needs, and switching careers to reduce my stress...
I still have a lot of ways I can improve.
One of them is my muscle + mind recovery regimen.
Yesterday I took action on this, and I went visit one of my best friends in the ATX... Dr. Matt Delgado. He is the founder and CEO of LifeSpring Chiropractic who strive to connect people to their best life possible.
The coolest part about this is, I met Dr. Matt a few years ago when it was just him renting a small room from someone else. Today though, he has a full team, with their own office, and an electric vibe that leaves you feeling like a million bucks. Here is their office below.
And part of their vibe, + commitment to the health of the community, shows itself the minute you walk in!
I left his office having signed up for weekly visits for the next few months. This is my start to taking better care of myself.
I wrote this message in hopes to inspire you to take action and book an appointment for your own self-care. PLEASE DO SO!
If not for yourself, do it for your significant other, your kids, your family, whoever...just make yourself a priority as much as you make others a priority.
And feel free to send me some links to new methods I can try to take better care of myself. We are in this TOGETHER!