Why are your friends YOUR friends?
Oct 28, 2020 5:01 pm
This one will be short, my stomach is currently killing me. (If you have ever dealt with stomach disorders/autoimmune disease, I feel for you).
Have you ever thought about why you hang around the people that you do?
Do you hang around people that challenge you to be better? With people that bring you down more often times than not? Or those that are just indifferent to you and life?
Today is the day I'd like for you to do more than just think about this question. I want you to take action.
- Look through your text messages and phone calls. Who are they to? Now where does each person fall on the list of questions from above?
- Write down the names of the last 5 people you have met up with? Where do they fall on that list?
- Calculate the amount of time spent per week on the different types of people.
- Come to the realization that any minute of your time that is wasted with negative people, is a minute that could have been spent with the positive ones. MAKE EVERY HEARTBEAT COUNT!!!
- Challenge yourself to be honest about all of the above.
- Make a promise to yourself to spend more time with the people that will help you become a better YOU, and less time with those who don't.
I'm grateful I have friends like Jake, Caulen, and Zac who ran in the cold with me yesterday. All of us on the pursuit to get 1% better every day. Find more friends like them who will help challenge you to become your best SELF. Then spend as much time as you can with them. :)