Why are you so unFOCUSED?

Oct 29, 2020 5:01 pm

I am terrible at staying focused. However, I am also one of the most focused people you probably know.

How is this possible?!?

Because I believe that the way that society views "focus" is completely wrong.

And I no longer abide by the box society tries to put us in.

You grow up to believe you should "focus" on your grades, on sports, on community service, on your career, on pleasing your family, on hanging with your friends, on staying in shape, on staying up to date on the latest trends, on having fun... on holy shit this doesn't sound focused at all. What gives?!?!?!?

I am not sure about you, but NOT ONCE while I grew up did anyone ever ask me WHAT did I want to focus on, and WHY did I want to focus on it. Not surprising because the adults (teachers, coaches, mentors, parents) were never asked that either. They were doing their own best to keep it all together too!

No one ever teaches you to focus on YOURSELF first and foremost.

Your mental, physical, and spiritual health.

Your wants and needs.

Your path.

Not theirs.

It takes you until the job that sucks the life out of you, the illness/disease, the death in the family, the completely empty feeling inside you....to finally realize that the things society tells us to focus on, it is all bullshit.

The cars that you have payments on, just to drive to the job you don't like anyway.

The material items that you buy to impress your friends, yet deep down you know they don't bring you happiness...and your friends couldn't care less anyway.

The house you buy just to gossip that you bought one, when the reality is, you'd rather travel the world and LIVE a life that isn't the same monotony over and over again.

The boxes you check just to stay in line with what everyone else says you should be "focused" on, even though you f*cking hate it.

This is my desperate plea for you to break out of any type of "focus" that does not serve what you truly want deep within your own heart.

Because while I am not focused on what the general society is, I am laser focused on my mission to help make a positive impact on this world... EVERY SINGLE DAY. I will literally do whatever it takes to hit my mental, physical, and spiritual goals, all so that I can be of better service to the community around me. And I am working to build an army of people who are on the same mission.

Are you with me?!?!

Well not just with me. There is a bunch of us!!!

Every week I host Lunch & Learns that have numerous people who are unFOCUSED on the wrong things, meanwhile they are focusing on their own path.

One of them is Wyatt Knight who gave a talk yesterday about how to focus on getting 1% better every day.

The picture below describes a little bit about how his method works.


He did an awesome job laying out the foundation for our community to better themselves, and I look forward to putting the replay up on my YouTube channel (it would mean the world if you could go subscribe. It helps me bring more attention to our entire community of speakers/listeners).

Moral of this story, if the world is telling you that you are not focused on the "right things" .... maybe you are not living in the right world. Instead, you must go CREATE YOUR OWN!

So if you find yourself wanting to readjust your focus to finish out this year, and maybe create the life you have always wanted, please connect with Wyatt or I and lets get you back on YOUR PATH to being the best YOU possible.


