Keep your eyes on the REAL prize.

Nov 03, 2020 7:01 pm

Today is election day.

Which means there will soon be a lot of very happy and unhappy people...depending on who you talk to.

Regardless of what happens, the real prize is you woke up and you are reading this message. There are people who did not wake up today. :/


So if you are healthy, have food and shelter, and people around you that care about you and vice versa, YOU WON. Regardless of the outcome that looms over all of us, YOU WON.

And every day you get to see the sun come up, is another W you racked up.

The truth is, there are a lot of people across this world right now that have none of what I mentioned above.

And I take it as my responsibility to be the reminder of how fortunate you and I truly are.

Today, remind yourself of all your blessings, call your loved ones, and spread the love and light.

This world has enough darkness in it already, don't be the one who adds to it.

Whatever decision you made this election day, I am happy you were fortunate enough to make it. That choice, it is a freedom I hope we all continue to have throughout the rest of our lives. And I will continue the fight of helping others earn more freedom than they were born into.

I do this by helping people build businesses they are passionate about. Earning them a sense of freedom that few ever get to feel.

How do you / will you help others earn their sense of freedom?

It can be through education, your job, volunteering, coaching...hundreds of other methods.

Ask yourself the question of no matter the outcome of this election....

"how can I become a better person that helps other people #levelup and earn themselves more confidence, more joy/happiness, and more freedom to enjoy this LIFE and human existence we are all so blessed to experience?"

That is the REAL prize. Our ability to exist as humans on this earth.

And you can do your part to help make that existence better for yourself, and everyone around you, each and every day.


I look forward to seeing the actions you take. :)

Have a wonderful Tuesday!



ps: continuing with my gratitude month, today I am grateful for the students I teach for my teen entrepreneurship class. Last night was our 6th class of the semester and each time I leave feeling more and more inspired by them. If you ever wanted to teach/educate, don't wait! Go do it!!! The world needs you now more than ever.
