Spend your money, stop saving it!!!

Oct 31, 2020 8:44 pm

One of the biggest fallacies our society will push on you, is the fact that you should spend 40+ hours of your week collecting a piece of paper (yes that is what money is, a piece of paper) to have it sit in digital/physical vaults, just so you feel safe.

The reality is though...the system wants you to put it in the vault so that they can go spend your money and invest in the one asset that truly matters most, TIME.

Because for the "rich," it is not the money that separates them the most, it is the fact that they have figured out how to use money to BUY THEM TIME, rather than the material items that most people spend their lives accruing.

I am writing about this because I read the tweet below from Naval Ravikant this morning. He is someone I share a lot of similar views on life with.


You may have received a paycheck yesterday, or sometime in the previous week or too. And since it is the "weekend," the temptation to spend your money may be there.

Before you go spending it though, ask yourself this question...

"Am I spending my money in ways that free up my time to LIVE THE LIFE that I truly enjoy?"

If not, you need to spend $5 at a local coffee shop, sit down, open your laptop, and map out how you can spend your money to buy your time and FREEDOM.

And if you struggle with this, hit me up. I literally do this for every person/business I work with. :)

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!!


