Friday Reflections

Dec 04, 2020 9:14 pm

My friend Sarah (founder of WIT) instills the methodology of high, low, dump into every class we teach, as well as this reflection at the end of the week in our slack channel.

High: what is your high from the day/week/month?

Low: what is your low?

Dump: something random.

And today, as I described my H/L/D to my students, I realized that my low revolved around the fact that I am feeling fatigued from all the virtual-ness. The zoom calls, the FaceTimes, the Google media...all of it.

If I am feeling this as an adult, I cannot even imagine being a kid or a teenager right now having to sit through school in all of this. It deeply saddens me.

We should all be going outside more, moving our bodies more, LIVING more than we currently are.

MORE CALLS...MORE MEETINGS...MORE MORE MORE .... does not equal more happiness and health.

So today, I write to you to let you know, that if you are feeling this fatigue too, I am with you.

If you need someone to talk to, I am all ears.

The worst feeling in the world is to feel alone, and I want you to know that you are not. WE ARE NOT!

I hope you have an amazing Friday and weekend ahead!

My suggestion, go do something FUN. Do something FOR YOU. Do whatever it is that makes you FEEL ALIVE.



p.s. today I am grateful that I get to be a part of communities that strive to help each other become better human beings. We are all we got in life. The money, material items, the achievements...they do not mean anything without the people and communities around us we get to share them with. Remember this.
