A goal in your life...

Nov 29, 2020 11:33 pm

should be to ...

imageI was podcasting with my wife last night and I came to a conclusion. We were chatting about what makes us not only "feel alive," but also is worth it enough for us to consistently show up to in life.

For you, you probably have areas of your life where that moment of time is exciting, yet it is fleeting. And then there are other areas of your life that seem like a drag, yet when you look back years later, those were the moments that taught you the most lessons and made you who are.

Example for me, podcasting.

Every single time I put the headset on, I feel like a kid again. I am excited for the convo, excited for the possibilities, excited to just be in that very moment. However, each episode is challenging and forces me to grow in so many ways. It keeps me coming back for more because I can feel myself becoming a better human being overall just by continuing to show up.

This is an example of something that I am doing that brings me both excitement in the short term, but also long term fulfillment based on the challenges and rewards those challenges will bring.

My goal for you, get a pen and paper and write down the areas of your life that bring you excitement. Then make another list that is comprised of some challenges you have had that eventually brought you long term fulfillment when you look back.

The key....

Find the areas on both lists that intersect.

Then focus your time on those intersections as much as possible!

Your life will eventually become a consistent path of excitement and fulfillment.

In other words, that is YOUR PASSION.

I created the image above, because when I tell people to follow their passions, they sometimes struggle to understand themselves enough to know what those passions are.

It is a lot easier for us though to describe what gets us excited, as well as to think back what challenges we have had that we enjoy telling stories about.

I'd love to see what you come up with!

Wishing you an amazing end to your holiday weekend. :)



ps: today I am grateful for the fact that I am excited about tomorrow...a Monday. It means I am on the right path because I used to dread Mondays, and now it is just another day that I get excited for. If you dread Monday, I highly recommend you write out the lists I mention above. IT WILL HELP!!!
