Carve your rock...
Dec 02, 2020 7:13 pm
Lets do a science experiment.
Imagine I give you a glass a water. Then I give you a jagged rock to place in that water. What happens to the rock over time?
The stagnant water, for the most part, does absolutely nothing to the rock.
Now lets take that same rock and throw it into a moving river. What happens to the rock over time?
It becomes carved/smoothed by the consistency of the moving water.
Isn't it amazing?!? How if you place these two resources together, you would never think that something like water could ever leave a mark on something as hard as the rock.
But with years of persistence, it does just that.
You are the rock. And your physical, mental, and spiritual ACTIONS...those are the water.
AKA, the outcome of your life, it is dependent on the quality and consistency of the actions that you take.
A lot of people think that they can save the world in a day. Build their dream in a day. Change themselves in a day. Just like the rock sitting in the stagnant water, IT DOES NOT WORK THAT WAY!!!
Maybe you have done this had a cool new idea, a fresh new perspective, a new motivation that filled you up, so you took action on it. The first day you started off like a bolt of lighting, and the next day you still had that fire within you...but what happened to you a week later? A month later?
A year later, and you probably can't even remember starting whatever it was in the first place.
If you read a few emails back, the one where I talk about excitement and fulfillment, I did so because I hope to help you find the balance within those. If you do, you will become consistent like the moving river. And if you are able to consistently keep your life moving forward. Keep moving along on your journey no matter what obstacles get in your way. You will carve your life into the vision that you have in your head.
But if you stay stagnant, so will your vision. It will remain unglamorous, it will remain the same old rock within your mind.
I don't want this!!! I want all your beautiful visions to come to life!!!
Today, I ask you to think of some small, consistent steps, that you can take for the next year, 3 years, 5 years...etc...that will bring you closer to your vision.
What will it take for you to move consistently like the river?!?
I hope you have an amazing Wednesday!
ps: today I am grateful for my YETI water bottle. It literally goes with me everywhere I go and keeps me hydrated. It is one of the small steps I take to make sure my mind and body are always primed for whatever occasion the current moment brings to me.