Respond, DON'T REACT!!!

Dec 01, 2020 7:36 pm

Are you are controlled by your calendar? Controlled by a certain person in your life? Controlled by the fear of "what-ifs?" Controlled by the food that you eat? Controlled by your "job?" ... Controlled by life, rather than controlling your life?

A lot of things in life are out of our control. Yet, how many of us let the things that are realistically not within our control....get us down, depressed, anxious, and fearful of the future?!? Do you know someone in your life that deals with this? If you do, this is the email to send to them. Or maybe you struggle with this?

They/you are not controlling your only controllables, and it is time to break the chain and work towards doing so.

You have probably heard me say this before...

the only two things you can control in life at any given moment are...

  1. Your attitude (you can be positive).
  2. Your effort (you can work hard).

Literally everything else is out of our hands. Once the day gets going, anything can happen.

In essence, it is 100% MOST IMPORTANT that we learn how to respond to the day's stimulus properly, rather than immediately reacting to whatever stimulus (good or bad) that is working to control us.

But how do you do this?


At first, you keep it super simple.

No matter where you are at in your life right now, you can do the 2 things I mentioned above. In every single moment you can choose to be the bigger person, and you can choose to work hard towards the goals you have in your mind.

Now lets say you choose to do both of those. Where should you target next?

  1. What you are feeding your mind, body, and soul.
  2. Are you eating nutrient dense foods?
  3. Meditating?
  4. Reading?
  5. Getting outside? Going on walks? Going in nature?
  6. Reducing the noise of the world and gaining self-awareness?
  7. Who you surround yourself with.
  8. Are you around people you look up to?
  9. People who support you?
  10. Positive people?

If the answer is no to any of the above, START HERE. Use your new mindset of controlling your controllables and add the things above into your life.


Now if you, or the friend you send this to, is in need of more help to figure out "how" to efficiently integrate these into your life, respond to this email! I'd be more than happy to point you in a few helpful directions.



p.s. today it is freezing outside in Texas. It rarely gets this cold. Instead of complaining about it though, this morning I am embracing it. I look forward to putting my cold-weather gear on and going o my Tuesday Morning run club. While I am out there, I am going to think back to all the times as a kid I spent on the soccer field playing in "ice" games and freezing weather. It never stopped me then, so why the hell should I let it stop me now? I WON'T. I will instead choose be positive and go work my ass off for my goals.
