It's called the present because it is a GIFT.

Aug 31, 2021 5:39 pm

"Yesterday is history.

Tomorrow is a mystery.

Today is a gift...

that is why they call it the the present."

I was recording a podcast yesterday when the guest mentioned the quote above. He was reminded of it from a TikTok clip of the movie Kung Fu Panda.


The quote is super relevant to the world right now.

You have no idea what tomorrow will bring, and anything that happened yesterday you cannot change...but this very moment, you can take a deep breath and decide how you want this moment to feel. And the beauty is, each moment moving forward, you can do the same!

If you do end up watching the clip above, essentially the panda was ecstatic to finally get the chance to meet the other "5" Kung Fu Warriors. However, due to his poor performance that day, they shunned him and he became depressed over it. He forgot to realize, that if you had told him days prior that he would have trained with Kung Fu legends, he would have been extremely happy!!! Yet in that very moment he fixated on the past and how he was bad at Kung Fu, rather than appreciating the once in a lifetime moment he got to enjoy. All it would take is for him to realize in the present where he was, and the opportunity he had.

I write all this because today I want you to think about where you are in life right now.

Everything and everyone around you can be seen as a gift if you choose to look at it that way.

With it all, comes a lesson that you can learn from, and use to make each and every moment better and better.

It is your choice.

And idk about you, but I like gifts.

Have an amazing Tuesday!



p.s. this morning I am grateful that I get to go checkout the Athletic Brewing pop up space they created in Downtown ATX. I will be teaching 10 fitness classes in September there, and I am stoked for it all to happen. Today I will remind myself how much of a gift it is to even have this opportunity.
