You don't need motivation, you need to MOVE.

Aug 27, 2021 5:42 pm

Want to know something that made my life exponentially better?!?

Leaving my hometown and only surrounding myself with people that are disciplined.

People that don't need motivation to wake up each day and become a better human being.

I just got back from a trip to the east coast and I was reminded of how much I live in a bubble here in Austin.

The only thing people seem to talk about there is other people, the news, whatever drama is going on that day...LOW VIBE SHIT.

Where as the only things the circles here talk about is health, wealth, community, and happiness.

Men here aren't afraid to be vulnerable.

And women aren't afraid to step into their greatness. #queenenergy


I want to be clear, this is just a general observation, and of course it doesn't apply to EVERYONE in both places.

I have lived in both areas for an extended period of time, and I have openly thought about why it seems to be different.

My conclusion...

Most of the people on the east coast were raised into families that never actually left their family/friends/location/way of life. They have a set view on "this is just how life is..." and they don't seem motivated to learn and grow out of it.

Where as here in Austin... no one is originally from here. Most people were drawn here to be around people that DON'T NEED EXTRA MOTIVATION to build careers, businesses, and lifestyles that support themselves and the communities around them. There is an energy here where people want to learn, understand, grow, and HELP one another get to whatever goal in "life" they are hoping to get to.

I am not the only one who has made this observation either. I have several close friends who left where they once lived for the same reasons.

And now it is your turn to maybe consider doing the same.

Believe it or not, it is about to be September, aka only 4 months left in 2021. WOW time flies.

Life is only getting faster.

So if you are not feeling motivated to make the most of your life...


Go somewhere else!

Find a place where the people you could be surrounded by are disciplined in their approach to life.

Ultimately you will take on some of their habits and behaviors and learn to lean on your own discipline, rather than needing daily motivation to improve your own life.

I promise you that this will bring more peace and happiness to your life, as well as a lot more fun because you will be challenging yourself with new experiences every single day!

Always keep it moving. ;)



p.s. I am grateful for Austin, and even though Erin and I love it here, we are constantly on the lookout for places to visit, and people to meet, which help us continue to challenge our outlook on life and ultimately grow into the people we know we can become.
