How to improve your life in 30 days or less...

Aug 26, 2021 5:17 pm

by watching THIS VIDEO.

Seriously though, I highly recommend watching it. If you speed it up, it will take you less than 10 minutes.

My ultimate mission in life is to become the best that I can be, to THRIVE ON LIFE, so that I can also help other people do the same thing.

With the abundance of negative media, and people in the world who will make it seem like it is the worst time ever to live, (which is false, statistically we live in the best age ever...least amount of people dying/killing each other young, least amount of people starving, most have water, have houses/cars...statistically we are doing BETTER) ... sadly there is some truth to their negativity, and the feeling of "worse." It is human nature to focus on problems. And most struggle to change the nature of their own being.

"Feelings" aren't reality though. Yeah I said it. GTFO out of your feelings and into reality.

Heck most of the negative people are arguing through a device that 20-50 years ago people would have deemed a miracle. Let that sink in. You are reading this from one of those "miracle devices" lol. You can get your groceries delivered to your front door, you can get a ride anywhere simply by plugging in where you want to go and someone will pick you up within 10 minutes, and you can legitimately FaceTime your loved ones from anywhere in the world. You can LIVE the most special moments with the people most important from you.... from thousand of miles away. Do you not realize how incredible this is?

"But CJ life is soooo hard..." get that shit out of here. Our grandparents and their grandparents, and so on... they had hard lives. We have an existence that we have made harder because we haven't learned how to approach life with gratitude and a realization of how blessed we truly are. (Yes there are struggles to all our lives, I acknowledge this, yet you live in a time where solutions are abundant, and people to help you are abundant as well ... one google search and a FaceTime away).

I am only 30 and I can remember a time where none of this was possible. You can practically "work" from anywhere, go anywhere, BE WHOEVER you want to be!

Yet so many still struggle to create the reality they ultimately wish were on their doorstep today.

So I did what I do best... I NERDED OUT :) and thought about what I could create that would help anyone to start changing their reality within 30 days.

The result? THIS SIMPLE YOUTUBE VIDEO / PODCAST. It is the same link as the one at the top.

I guarantee this video will help you no matter where you are at in life. If it doesn't, contact me and tell me why. Seriously!

And if you take action on the steps described in the video, your life will improve almost instantaneously. How do I know? I was my own guinea pig for this. I have already done it!

Crush your Thrive Thursday!



p.s. today I am grateful to come back to a city where I am excited to wake up every day. Literally I came home into the bed I love and I couldn't sleep because I was excited for today to start. That is such a grate feeling compared to my past.
