Discomfort can be a metaphor for life.

Sep 09, 2021 6:17 pm

This morning I am going to re-share my wife Erin's most recent IG post. It struck a chord in me, and I hope it does the same for you.

step into discomfort // this shoot was like a metaphor to me…

1. Taking photos is uncomfortable.

2. Taking photos in a dress in a lake is uncomfortable.

3. Taking photos in a dress in a lake in a downpour is uncomfortable.

Or it’s not…It’s an adventure. It’s what you make it.

This experience for me was a metaphor to life. Each step away from what feels safe brings discomfort, but only if we let it. We must get comfortable being uncomfortable to truly experience all that LIFE has to offer.

What will you step into today?

The photoshoot in which she is referring to in her message ...


She also put together a really awesome collage IG Reel of them all, check it out HERE.

Why am I sharing this message?

Because it is the TRUTH that everyone needs to hear.

The only person stopping you from doing anything in this life... is yourself and your inability to push past the discomfort. The moment you OWN IT ... own the fact that this is the TRUTH ... is the moment you unlock a next level to your life.

5 years ago Erin and I took our first professional photos together. We hired someone to take them of us in Houston Texas where we lived. It was a "warmup" to our engagement shoot. Both of us had no idea what we were doing, yet we still did it anyway.

And slowly but surely over the years we have gone from having no clue what we are doing... to having a slight clue. LOL. :)

What got us to this point?

Saying yes to whatever comes our way.

Photoshoot in a wedding dress in the woods? Lets go.

In a bathtub? Sure.

Sitting off a cliff? Heck yeah.

In a random downtown AirBnb location with 10+ photographers snapping at once? Why the heck not.




It all gives me chills to think about.

The skinny, insecure, non-confident boy that I was... is now a man that has been paid multiple times to model.

And most of the credit I have to give, is to the woman of my dreams who was/is constantly willing to step into the discomfort with me and see life for the adventure that it truly is.

As Erin asked you above, what will you step into today?!?



p.s. today I am grateful for all the creative photographers and videographers who have helped Erin and I capture so many amazing moments in our life. I cherish all of them and will never forget the epic memories.
