Baby steps...
Sep 01, 2021 5:38 pm
Contrary to what the media will tell you, improving your health isn't an overnight process that happens from taking a single pill/medicine.
It is a continuous process of self-examination, and understanding what is / isn't good for your own body. It takes baby steps.
And fortunately, in 2021, you have more technology than ever to empower you to take your health into your own hands, and take the right steps to improving yourself!
One of the ways to do so is with a Spectracell Micronutrient Test. I have mentioned this test multiple times before, and I am bringing it back up because yesterday I got my August results back.
The last time I took this test was in March 2020. I wanted to give a solid 18 months in between my tests to see what the differences would be.
Check my results below.
My antioxidant and immune function is still well below what I would like it to be. My cells are still not operating optimally, yet they have improved enough to move me further away from the "deficient" mark. THIS IS A HUGE WIN for me because it means I have started to reverse my autoimmune issues. I wholeheartedly believe I am on the path to ridding myself of celiac disease and all the other issues that have come with it.
The other huge win is that I have been avidly working on boosting my glutathione process (you should too, it is vital to your immune system) over this time frame, and you can see that it went up from 46 to 53.
To my surprise though, this year I now have more deficiencies and borderline deficiences than last year, they are just not as large / as important as glutathione is. Most of them are easily changeable with proper supplementation. :)
Overall, I am on the right path, and I cannot wait to share with you again next year when my scores are improved once again.
When you are your healthiest, the chances of you being happy too... they exponentially grow. And this world certainly needs more healthy and happy people walking around!!!
We need to be the change!
p.s. I am grateful for seeing the positive results that my efforts have led to. Now it is time to put more work in and continue this trend.