You want a great life, right?

Oct 13, 2021 5:17 pm

Focus on having a great day first.

No really, focus on having a great day, TODAY.

As a human being your mind may tend to wander backwards into the past, or onwards into the future.

If it does, you are failing at living in the only moment that really matters, RIGHT NOW.

So focus on TODAY!

You are now halfway through the week and I want you to take some serious ACTION towards your great life.

Example: someone with a "great, strong, mobile body" most likely spent a decade of time both in the gym working out, and in the kitchen improving their habits. They didn't get there overnight.

Your entire life operates in the same way as the example above. You didn't get into college when you applied ... you got in through all the effort to be great PRIOR to the day you pressed send on the application.

You didn't get the job the day of the interview. You got it through all the effort to be great in your life the days/weeks/months/years... LEADING UP to the interview for that job opportunity.

The great things that happen in your life are a culmination of the great days that led up to this point!

So today I ask you to stress less over what you have planned for the future. Forget those mistakes you made in the past. You, me, we... all make them.

And instead focus on the only moment you can make an impact on...


I will make it easier for you.

Fill this out.

Today will be great because I will...

  1. How will you dedicate your time today?
  2. How will you take care of your health today?
  3. How will you build better relationships today?
  4. How will you make more income/investments today?
  5. How will you accomplish some of your life vision today?
  6. How will you add a new experience, or usual one that you love, into your schedule today?

Today will be great because I will choose to THRIVE, not just survive!

Now go make it happen!



p.s. today I am grateful for the randomness that life brings. Every new day I always get reminded through an email, text, dm... or random occurrence when I am out in about... how these random occurrences all mold together and either lead to greatness... or demise. I wholeheartedly believe that 99+ percent of the have the choice and capability to mold them into greatness.
