The more you know...
Oct 05, 2021 5:52 pm
...the more you realize you don't know shit.
Question on my mind: why do people stop learning?
Why isn't continuously learning instilled in us beyond school?
One of my theories is that what you already "know" cannot be broken down if you never seek further knowledge to challenge everything that you already "know" up until this point.
It is more comfortable to stay in your zone of what you think you know, rather than challenging yourself to understand things that you have no idea about.
Essentially our human ego keeps many of us from seeking more knowledge because it means that half the time we are wrong about whatever we believe. And we have been taught that being "wrong" hurts us.
Societal structure tells us that if we are wrong we get a bad grade, we are dumb, inadequate, unworthy humans.
The reality is, that the people who tend to be "right" in the long term, have tried so many things, they were often wrong just as much. The difference is they were willing to drop their ego and be okay with being "wrong." They cared more about acquiring the knowledge than attaching themselves to a certain "right" belief.
Example: have you ever argued against someone just because you didn't "like" what that person had to say? Or because what that person is saying contradicts a "belief" you have?
If you have, great! You are on team human than because we all have!
What if I told you that technically you both are "wrong?"
Because none of us know anything for CERTAIN. Other than stuff like gravity exists, and fire is indeed hot and can burn you. Hahaha.
Okay there are some things we do know for certain. But that is because somebody jumped off something and realized they would fall, and another person put their hand in fire and it hurt. AKA they tested out their beliefs and were willing to get burned to see if that belief tested true or not.
Yet, have you ever found yourself taking a stance on something as if it were certain, but the reality is, it is very much uncertain? Or made a stance on something, and you would not change your stance because of the chance that you would get "burned" if you were seen as "wrong?"
Probably all the time!
Uncertainty is a scary thing!
Why can't you be indifferent to uncertainty?
Maybe even embrace it?
All with the mission of continuous learning and understanding the world around you more.
Life changes a lot... this is a FACT.
Why not embrace the uncertainty of the change, rather than constantly taking a stance against it?
Dive deeper into this ^^^ question this week.
Where in your life can you swim with the uncertainty?
Where can you reflect and realize that you have taken a hard stance on something that maybe you don't know much about?
Look at both sides.
9 out of 10 times it will prove that no matter how hard you look, uncertainty still remains.
And if you can be okay with this uncertainty....
you will win the game of life.
I don't know about you, I love to win. :)
p.s. today I am grateful for the invention of hoodies. Seriously is there nothing better than the time of year when you can comfortably wear a hoodie in the morning, and then in the afternoon be outside with a tank top and shorts on. For those who know that life year round... (maybe you live on the beach) you are living THE LIFE. It's about the simple things in life. :)