subtraction = ADDITION
Oct 11, 2021 5:15 pm
In any given moment of time ask yourself "is the energy I am currently spending making my life better or worse?"
(I hope you view the energy you spend reading these as better lol) :)
You can choose how you spend your time in life by asking the simple question above.
You should choose to spend less and less time on the bad energy things, which ultimately will leave more room for you to spend time on good energy.
AKA subtraction = ADDITION.
Like most humans, you probably want more out of life.
Right now you are striving for the promotion from your current role or you are applying for your next gig.
You work hard at home to improve your surroundings.
The future, and what you want it to look like, frequents your mind often.
Yet, if you want a more abundant life in the future...
it doesn't mean you should be looking to ADD things into your life.
In contrary, you should actually be looking at what can you take away.
What can you take away which will automatically give you the extra space (abundance).
Example: for me it is meetings. I need to subtract unpaid meetings out of my life. I need to shuffle the unpaid meetings to quick phone calls / video messages, which will then leave a lot more space for 1. only paid meetings 2. building products/businesses
Why has ^^^ been a struggle for me?
Because I enjoy meeting new people, having new experiences, learning new stories, and building a life that is different every single day.
What I have to ask myself though is am I at where I want to be?
In many ways yes, but in many ways no.
And one of the things that is keeping me from where I want to be is lack of focus.
Random meetings = lack of focus. They take a lot of time and switching of energy.
I can no longer afford this.
So I must subtract the meetings and ADD time elsewhere.
subtraction = ADDITION !!!
Now it is your turn!!!
What can you subtract from your own life to open up space for better things?
I'd love to hear directly from you!
p.s. I am thoroughly enjoying the fact that the early mornings here in the ATX are now sweatshirt weather. We live on a planet with various climates and seasons... how freaking cool is that?!?!?