Your failures are foundational to your success!
Oct 07, 2021 6:23 pm
It is THRIVE Thursday and today's topic on my mind is failure.
Why failure?
Because I am almost certain that the key to anything you want in life is in the mirror you look into every morning.
See what I did there ^^^.
Aka the key is you reflecting on yourself.
And lets be real love to reflect on the good.
Not so much the bad though right?
Reflecting on your misfortunes, missteps, and mistakes that you have made hurts.
Pain is not bad though.
It is one of the best teachers!
You don't get the knowledge without the pain of having to focus and study your craft.
You don't get the muscles without the pain of showing up to the gym over and over and over again and literally causing micro muscle tears with your hard work.
You don't get the successes in life if you aren't willing to endure the pain of knowing you are going to "fail" at some points along the way.
Okay now that you understand where I am going with this...
diving deeper into the "key" is to realizing that the quicker you acknowledge your missteps, or mistakes... the quicker you can adjust, adapt, and correct course so that you remain on the path going towards your ultimate truth.
Today I want you to look in the mirror and ask yourself where have you been a bit "off course" lately?
Where can you turn a mistake into a learning lesson that propels you UP your next step?
If you can reflect like this you will no longer dwell on your mistakes. Instead, you learn to use them as FUEL FOR YOUR FIRE!
^^^ And this is why I believe that failure is foundational to your ultimate success.
Because anybody can show up when they are feeling great and chipper.
Yet, how many people can use their mistakes as fuel to help them get to their next level?
How many actively refuse to get down on themselves, and instead they keep going?
How many openly acknowledge the fear that life can produce....yet they still have the courage to say "fuck fear" and they keep moving forward?
Idk how many.
All I know is I don't want to be in the group that lets fear of failure cripple them.
And I don't want you to be in that group either!
So today, lets look in the mirror and acknowledge our mistakes, and moving forward lets use them as fuel for our flames.
p.s. today I am grateful for the people currently around me who have a "can do" attitude. Too many people go through life with fear and a "can't do" attitude and it is TOXIC. Get that toxicity out of your life and I promise you will live a better life.