You need to stop recreating the wheel. Seriously.
Oct 06, 2021 5:39 pm
I hate to say it, but whatever you are working towards in this life is most likely NOT UNIQUE.
"But CJ, in your some of your other content you literally talk about using my uniqueness to my advantage."
Yes I do.
The unique part is YOU.
The thing you are working towards, or whatever you are trying to accomplish, most times, it has already been done before.
Why am I making this today's topic?
Tonight I help teach an 'Intro to Social Entrepreneurship' college credit course to teens.
And one of the biggest issues that the teen's seem to struggle with is they think they have to recreate the wheel for everything they do.
What this causes is them to be inactive... meaning they never take any action because they are thinking so far ahead they cannot see the step right in front of them. So they never take a single step. They end up just talking about the steps instead.
The fact is, the step right in front of them, is almost guaranteed to have been one that somebody, somewhere...has already taken.
Your next step in whatever it is you are working towards, it does not need to be flashy. It does not need to be "world class."
It needs to get DONE.
The step needs to be taken.
Or else you will never get to the point that you are always daydreaming about.
So you are now halfway through this week... what step are you planning to take to FINISH STRONG?
- Who can you reach out to?
- What book can you buy to read or listen to?
- What podcast can you listen to? (I'd love for you to listen to mine!)
- Where can you go to learn HOW to take the next step on your journey?
Write these down NOW and go take action on them!
Here are mine...
- I need to engage with other podcasters on LinkedIn.
- The next book I read needs to be about YouTube and SEO.
- Top podcasts I listen to right now, "My First Million, The Genius Life (Max Lugavere), The Doctor's Pharmacy (Dr. Mark Hyman), and Tim Ferriss.
- I have invested in someone to book me onto other podcast shows. This gives me insider access to see how they run their show and how I can improve my own.
Stop recreating the wheel!!! You are the unique one, and you just driving the car is unique enough. You don't need to build it from scratch!!!
p.s. today I am grateful for all the people who have hustled before me to lay the groundwork and foundation for me to learn from. Everyday I learn something new from people who show me how to utilize different "wheels" in my life. I am forever grateful for that!