Are you committed?

Oct 08, 2021 5:46 pm

Or are you just interested?

That was a question John Assaraf asked while on Episode 194 of the Genius Life Podcast with Max Lugavere.

Often times when I hear things like the above, I do my best to relate it to something tangible within my own life.

And when he asked that question, it made me think of marriage.

I am 100% committed in my relationship to my wife, as every husband should be.

In prior relationships I was just "interested" though.

Why did my mind wander to relationships and marriage?

Because when you think about the rest of your life, the jobs, the career, the friendships, the hobbies, the dreams... it can be much harder to decipher whether you are just "interested" or fully "committed."

At all times my number one priority is my health and my relationship with Erin. Period. And when we have kids they will get added in to the top of the list. These will never change from being my top priority and top commitment.

Now how do I transfer that type of energy, that type of commitment to the things that will bring my dreams to real life?

This has been my question to myself for the past 24 hours.

Now I want to ask you.

How will you start thinking about the areas of your life where you need to transition from interested to COMMITTED?

Here is a tip...

  1. Ask yourself who do you want to be?
  2. What type of life do you want to live?
  3. Why do you wake up each and every day?


These are important to ask because if you know what type of life you want to live, why you want to live that life, and who you want to be while you spend your time here on becomes sooooooo muchhhh less challenging to be fully committed to whatever it is you are working towards committing to.


Many people are "interested" in having abs... yet what percentage of the population is committed to earning them?

A very small percentage.


Because most people want them FOR THE WRONG REASONS!!!

So they never fully commit.

When it gets hard they give up because their reasoning isn't strong enough.

I have abs because it is a result of knowing that if I have a strong core, I will have a strong mind that has put in the years of work to earn them. And this mind will help me everywhere in my life. I want the strongest mind possible... therefore I put in the work to have abs.

I have abs because it means I have a strong body that will keep me healthy and happy for decades to come. I will be able to not only "play" sports with my future kids, I will be able to COMPETE with them even into their adulthood.

I have abs because I know my why. I know I want to live an extremely adventurous life. And I want to inspire others to do the same!

I am committed to having abs because I know the life it will help me live.

Now I don't give a shit if you have abs or not.

I was just using that as an example.

What I do care about is you flipping the switch and COMMITTING to yourself.

Open a notebook, ask yourself the questions above, and write down your thoughts.

If you make one small COMMITMENT to writing them down you are WAY MORE LIKELY to actually commit to what you have written.

Turn your thoughts into written words, and your written words into ACTIONS!

Go make some stronger commitments in your life and crush your Friday!



p.s. I am grateful to have friends and family that are committed to becoming better human beings each and every day. You all inspire the heck out of me!
