If you had a blank canvas...

Sep 29, 2021 5:52 pm

what would you do?

Here is a recent entry from my journal.

Old me would fill it with "stuff" to make myself feel better. Today that "stuff" is heavy and exhausting.

So instead, I want to leave the canvas clean, with room for opportunity to randomly come about.

Meanwhile, I want to be intentional with the different sections on it.

Anybody can pick up a pen and start scribbling, yet how many have the patience to be intentional with each mark?

At the the end of the day, a masterpiece is a combination of intentional strokes, not just one.

To have the patience to make each stroke with precision...that is indeed the true skill needed to turn a blank canvas into something that is world class.




In this entry, the canvas is LIFE itself.

It can be really easy to make a mess of life.

And contrary to how many people go about it, you don't clean the mess by doing more.

That is not how it works.

A clean canvas operates in the exact opposite way compared to a messy one.

It is already clean. You don't have to "do" anything to it.

This is how I am transforming into viewing my life.

I don't have to do anything to it for it already to be a masterpiece and a work of art.

I am already a masterpiece.

Moral of this story... don't rush your paint strokes. It is harder to clean up a mess than it is to be intentional with the strokes in the first place.

I hope this gave you some food for thought today.

Have a wonderful Wednesday!



p.s. I am grateful for it all.
