#58 – What are you seeing that isn't there?Me? I saw mockery in someone's eyes. Boredom in another's. Disappointment and eye-rolls coming from 12 slouching backs and blank faces.It happened during one of the first gigs I did with the communication co...
Please, unsubscribe if you're tired of hearing from me –– no hard feelings!#57 – What makes you quit?I've heard it many times: "I'm going to write a Substack for 100 days in a row," or "I'm going to run five days a week," or "I'm going to start cooki...
#56 – What I learned receiving my first tip at 54Today, a buyer tipped me $20.Not having worked in a tipping environment before, her gesture caught me by surprise. A few weeks before, another woman had tried to give me a tip, but I'd refused to accep...
#55 – Want to have a bigger impact? Stop hidingA client realized yesterday she'd been hiding. Hiding had prevented her from having the impact she (and the HR people at her company) knew she could have.But she was wary of the responsibility that havin...
#54 – What if nothing I see means anything?If nothing I see means anything, then I'm free. The first time I washed my hair after my son was born, I feared that I might scare him if he saw me while I was blow-drying my hair, my head down.I asked my hu...
#53 – What would be available to you if you let go?Letting go doesn't mean quitting or giving up.It means unclenching your fists when things don't go as planned. It means forgetting that you were trying to prove something.It means tossing your meetin...
#52 – The writer and the mindSitting at the desk my mother bought for me at the thrift shop, I noticed how my mind moved faster than my pen.As a result, my writing was shallow and had holes in it. Angry, I dropped the pen.I rested my gaze on the...
#51 – And what about feelings?You know that passive-aggressive person in your life, who pouts and sulks whenever they can't have it their way, so that you'll feel bad and let them have it their way?That's a little how the Ghost of Idea Deflection wor...
#50 – What makes the Ghost of Idea Deflection go to work?When we don't question our thoughts, we keep thinking them without being aware. We think them every day, multiple times a day, but we don't know we're doing it. Over time, repeated thoughts tur...
#49 – Your thoughts are real, but are they true?A reader asked, "How do you erase them, though?" She was responding to my prompt, "What message do you need erasing?" (at the end of a post about what my father said).The message I erased was that I cou...