What is life asking of you?

Dec 30, 2024 5:31 am

#177 – What is life asking of you?

When I told my husband about the radical acceptance stance I've been trying to practice, he understood it as passivity––do nothing. It’s not that.

One thing is to not fight. A different thing is to not act. What I advocate for is the former and then, to allow our inner guidance to show us the way forward.

I’ve been pondering this dichotomy in my son’s case. I want to surrender to what life has in store for us, but at the same time, there are some facts that seem to skew the balance in one direction. And so I question: do I do something, or do I let go? What is asked from me in this moment?

The Judge seems to have already made up his mind about my son’s culpability. He seems to refuse the possibility that the evidence he’s looking at is partial (and, we believe, misleading), and that the picture may not be as clear as he sees it.

If I think surrender means passivity, I have to let go. I have to admit that I don’t know in what way this is in my/our best interest and let go of anything that looks like a reaction to it.

Instead, when I choose the path of aligned action, I can call out what seems like bias and ask for a truly impartial judge. One who’d be open enough to consider with equal weight both sides of the story. One who’s not influenced by the power imbalance at the root of this case.

I’m not fighting what life is putting before me. I’m rising to the occasion and serving the event in front of me. 

By relentlessly seeking the truth, I respond (not react) to what life is asking of me.

What guided action can you take to serve life without fighting it?


