...But is it your True Self or your Ego talking?
Dec 28, 2024 7:01 am
#175 – ...But is it your True Self or your Ego talking?
We all hear a voice (or several) nagging at us from between our ears: you should study more, you shouldn't eat that, your hair's too gray, when did you get that wrinkle?
But we also have an inner compass trying to guide us through life: our True Self.
The tricky thing is, how can we tell these different selves apart – the Ego and its cronies from the True Self?
Here's a primer on how to distinguish who's talking, so that you can make more informed decisions on whom to listen to.
The Ego and the Ghosts' M.O.:
- Justify everything: find reasons, excuses, justifications
- Feel morally obligated to do/say something: end up doing things with dragging feet and heavy sighs
- Feel attacked by other people's requests/comments/refusals: dream of rising above them one day with a 'see who laughs last' kind of attitude
- Feel put down by other people's requests/comments/refusals: go into shame and depression, and endlessly ruminate on why you did what you did, etcetera
- Take ages pondering before making a decision, weighing pros and cons and endlessly assessing risks and potential pitfalls
- Consider what others will think about your decisions, and whether or not they'll approve of them
- Compare your life to other people's
The True Self's voice:
- Feel a flow of upward energy when you're following that voice
- Don't know anything but know everything – what to do and how to be
- Say yes or no in a split second – no need to sleep on it
- Don't plan – merely do: write if you must – or dance, paint, devote yourself to the elephants...
- Hold space for different life choices – yours and other people's
What's your True Self saying that you haven't paid attention to?
PS: Looking for a gift that may help someone start a meditation/writing/spiritual practice in the New Year? Take a look at book I of the Unfolding Your Mind series here.