#208 – What's wrong with self-protection?Self-protection sounds like a good idea. That's why you buckle up in the car, dress up for cold weather, look both ways when crossing the street.It's definitely a good idea when talking about the body, a physi...
#208 – Did your Ghosts impair your view of parallel processes?You know it by now: my son's in jail (wrongly, per recent evidence). He's in there, inside a bubble where light doesn't change between day and night, alone with his thoughts (and his cellm...
#207 – What decision do you need to make to stave off your Ghosts?You can keep hiding from the Ghosts in your head, or you can face them and see them shrink.Yesterday at lunchtime, strolling around Lincoln Road, I heard what I thought was a toddler c...
#206 – Why does this Ghost want you to give your time away?Maybe you've had this experience: you say yes to people's asks or invitations and then spend the whole time regretting it. You really don't want to do that or be there, yet you don't lea...
#205 – What makes you want to understand?When things don’t go as you expected, do you feel a burning need to know why? Does it seem crucial to understand why undesired events happened?Well, I have news for you: knowing why something happened won’t ma...
#204 – What do the Ghosts in your head want for you?Oftentimes, the energy of an emotion that builds up inside comes with some form of internal commentary: “this is good,” or “this is bad.” “You shouldn’t feel this,” “never cry in public,” “what...
#203 – What feels scariest: failure or success?Most people think that only fear of failure paralyzes us. It's not true. Self-sabotage is precisely how our Ghosts and Ego work against our success, and they do it because they're scared – which makes us...
#202 – Can you handle time?Do you feel sometimes that you have all the time in the world, then other times that so much time is going to kill you because the wait is so long until what you want comes to pass, and yet other times that you'll never ach...
#201 – Who enjoys *your* guilty feelings?Not working/studying/exercising enough, eating/drinking too much, sleeping in instead of meditating, watching an episode of Bad Sisters in the middle of the workday, coming up with a lame excuse to avoid meeti...
#200 – Whose story are you buying?You've heard it before: what can't be measured can't be managed – or improved. The question is, who's measuring and what standards are they using?If you want to write a book, for example, and try to find a publisher,...