#33–When self-discipline becomes internal dictatorship

#33–When self-discipline becomes internal dictatorshipI used to say that I'd acquired discipline through the ballet classes I took from 5 to 14, because my parents were more on the laissez-faire side.But what I acquired was the habit of self-punishme...

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Aug 09, 2024
#31–What makes desperation such a cozy place?

#31–What makes desperation such a cozy place?I know I won't solve anything by feeling desperate.I also know I'll hurt my chances of success by feeling desperate–no one will hire or buy from a desperate person.But desperation acts on my mind like the...

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Aug 07, 2024
#29–Is decisiveness an antidote against money ghosts?

#29–Is decisiveness an antidote against money ghosts?I could be totally making this up, based on some anecdotal observations of how people buy coffee machines (which isn't a "major" purchase like a house or a car, nor is it a need, like a fridge or a...

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Aug 05, 2024
#28–Is your effort paying off?

#28–Is your effort paying off?What would you think of a system that uses 1,000 times more resources than the results it produces?That it's inefficient, wasteful, and unsustainable. Well, that's how a lot of (wishful) entrepreneurs view working in the...

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Aug 04, 2024
#27–Did you mistake exertion for progress?

#27–Did you mistake exertion for progress?A client I worked with years ago told me she didn't have couches at home growing up. Not because they were poor but because her parents believed that resting during the day was unnecessary. A waste of time. I...

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Aug 03, 2024
#25–You thought it was about money?

#25–You thought it was about money?It's not. It's all about power––your personal power.A newly appointed executive at a large corporation told me once that they felt intimidated by their peers on the executive team.Digging down, we discovered that wh...

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Aug 01, 2024