Hey , Congratulations on planning your year with ease and flow! I'm so excited to see 2024 bring magic and miracles into your life. Here are the next steps: 1 | The slides are accessible here through this link, take some time to marinate on what you'...
Hi ,Kudos to you for taking the first step to planning your 2024 for Power and Possibility! I'm excited to see you in 1 hour!Any last minute friends you want to Invite? Send them our sign up page here: https://sendfox.com/lp/m76grdNote the Zoom link...
Hi ,Kudos to you for taking the first step to planning your 2024 for Power and Possibility! I'm excited to see you in 2 days!Here are your next steps:Take note of the date and time, and save it in your google calendar by clicking this link.Join the T...
Hey , Recently I read this quote: “Good things DON’T take time.” It deeply resonated with me and felt like a breath of fresh air. “Good things take time” and “don’t worry you’re still young!” are probably the two most common statements I've received....
Hey !For the past 2 days I have been…. Starting the journey of upgrading myself as a coach! Getting my International Coaching Federation (ICF) coaching certification. 2 full days of training, peer-to-peer coaching practice, and meeting amazing course...
“I’m indecisive. I’m terrible at making decisions.” I felt this about myself for the longest time. It is the decisions that seem utterly life-changing that torment me. Which university course to choose? Should I stay or leave a business partnership t...
Who here has ever looked at someone you admire and respect, whether it’s your mentor, a leader at work, perhaps a peer, or someone you follow on social media, and found yourself comparing yourself with them? Even Michelle Obama shared that she has ex...
Hey , Transiting into Adulthood: A LONELY JOURNEY - or really? Yes and No. I've noticed that for some people, they feel lonelier as they transition into adulthood. Many say that Entrepreneurship is a lonely journey - is this really true? My journey a...
HI , Did you know that I was once a soft-spoken girl full of self-doubt, that secretly had big dreams but didn't think she could achieve them? I wanted to be an actress, a singer, wanted to own my own business and live life on my own terms. But I loo...
Hey !When I was younger, I was SUCH a try-hard. I wanted to be in the popular clique. I wanted to be liked and accepted. I tried so hard to speak and act like the cool kids. Deep down, I didn't think I was good enough to have friends who loved me com...