Dear ,The most important thing you need for success in your business/ brand/ career is not more strategy, it’s not more marketing skills, it’s not even having the best product in the world.It is — a strong and trusting relationship with your inner vo...
Dear , Do you have anything on tonight? If not, I'll love to invite you to a cozy evening of... sharing our failure stories. IMAGINE THIS: Being in the same room as 7 entrepreneurs from a vastly different industries, backgrounds, and with a whole lot...
Dear ,Thank you for taking time out on Thursday evening to invest in your self-improvement - I truly believe 2025 is the year you can make your voice your greatest asset. The recording and slides have been uploaded into the training portal, so you s...
Dear ,You're building your brand with everything you think, say, and do (or don't do).You may think: "Rae, I'm working a corporate job, I don't intend to build a brand online..." or "Rae, most of my clients come to me through referrals, I don't want...
Dear ,Happening in 1 hour (at 8.30pm SGT) is Masterclass 1: How to Unlock the Power of your Voice in 2025The zoom link: MASTERCLASS 1 ID: 895 6841 5534Passcode: 10...
Dear ,Your VOICE can be your greatest ASSET in 2025 — what do I mean? Assets are things that work without you: ⚡️ Your brand and reputation: how people speak about you when you’re not around ⚡️ The community you build even without you (Ta...
Dear ,Today is the day of Masterclass 1: How to Unlock the Power of your Voice in 2025The zoom link: MASTERCLASS 1 Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 895 6841...
Dear ,I want this week's newsletter to give you some inspiration and a little kick in the ass for the new year.On 1st Jan, I posed this on Instagram: 🎇 2024 Wrap-up (in pics) + 2025 Energy (in my original quotes).In this newsletter I chose 3 quotes...
Hey ,Just a few days ago, I was riding at the back of a bike in Bali, and I passed by this HUGE poster with a photo of some six-pack abs. There were big bold words plastered across these abs that said: "YOUR BODY REFLECTS YOUR STANDARDS". Simila...
Hey ,After 10 years of earning money with my voice and 4 years coaching rising leaders (managers, directors, even a billionaire) to speak with impact in order to make more money... These are 3 observations I've made about the most successful leaders:...