the truth: I "accidentally stumbled" into coaching
Mar 15, 2024 10:01 am
Hey ,
Today, if someone asks me why I do what I do, I'm very clear -- I consider it my mission to help create a world where every single person feels safe to own their voice.
I say it with so much conviction I feel it deep within my core.
Many people find it hard to believe that just 5 years ago, I had zero idea what I was going to do with my life, and zero trust in myself to be successful.
This is me in university -- clueless and eating pizza.
Now I have a clue but I still eat pizza hehe.
Like most of us here, I grew up simply wanting to do well in life and feel good enough. I wanted to know that I was good at something, anything, and be appreciated for the work I do.
Throughout my academic years, I worked hard in my studies. I followed closely to the standard of success – which was get good grades, and get into a good school. Try as I may, I would work 3 times as hard but get average grades.
Because I couldn’t find a way to shine in school, I started finding other avenues.
I started volunteering in a community centre and was asked to volunteer to be an emcee. And so I did, and what started as a way for me to feel seen and heard, quickly became a passion of mine.
I fantasised about being a radio DJ, entering the Top 8 of 987 Radio Star Competition, and doing a contract job as a radio producer.
I tried my hand at entrepreneurship, after I met my first mentor and coach in a business network. I ran a direct-selling FMCG business under my mentor’s guidance, and spent 4 years doing everything he said was right.
And despite putting in all that I have, I couldn’t see myself building a full-time emcee career for life.
I didn’t win Radio Star AND got fired from my contract radio producer job, over the phone.
And as for the FMCG business – as much as I learnt so much about life and business from this mentor of mine, his rigid ways of running his business drew me to rounds of burnout.
And so I reached my final year of university, frustrated, ashamed and beaten down. Feeling exhausted by all the HALF-RACES I’ve run that ended up in failure. Still not knowing how to be successful.
I reached a point of surrender.
I sought joy and comfort through the one thing that has been my saving grace all along – People and Connection.
I went online and connected with people who had a passion.
I accepted speaking engagements where I spoke about topics I was confident about.
I shared my story and the lessons I learnt throughout my journey on social media.
And THAT was how I attracted my first two coaching clients.
One of them saw a clip of me speaking at an event, and reached out to me asking if I did coaching. Another one watched my IGTV video and asked If I had a coaching program. Well, I DIDN’T, but I just said “yes!” and started figuring out later.
It’s been 3 years since, and I’ve coached many rising leaders from across the globe to own their voice.
Turns out – all those “failures” I had trained me for the perfect job, the one I’m doing today.
All my life, I was working hard to gain the recognition of others and be successful according to other people’s standards.
I worked so hard in school because people said success was good grades.
I joined radio because I fantasised about being famous because I thought success was being well-known.
I became a workaholic under my mentor’s business because I was told success comes only if you work hard at all costs.
Never once did I ask myself: What do I want? What am I good at? What is MY definition of success?
I don’t know if any of you realise this but — “Success” standards are exactly like “Beauty” standards.
“Beauty is just a concept we learned. Someone made you believe what is ugly and what is beautiful, just as someone made you believe what is good and what is bad.” Don Miguel Ruez
Success is just a concept we learnt. And very often, it’s a concept we inherited from our parents, our teachers, our friends. If you simply aim for the success that your parents want for you, or that your friends in school are aiming towards… you fail to create the success you want, because you never took the time to discover what it is.
The reason why many people struggle is they don’t know what they really want. They've been conditioned by the definition of success others impose on them.
Since young, we have unconsciously learnt to behave a certain way or accept certain circumstances, through modelling after our caretakers, internalising what others say, encountering repetition of certain events, and so on.
In many ways, our conditioning is responsible for some amazing parts of our character and personality – hard work, being respectful, being frugal, ambitious, etc.
Yet, in other ways often unconscious to us, our conditioning limits us, whether it is believing we need to be older or more experienced before we can speak up at work, or unknowingly ignoring our passions to prioritise practicality.
These limiting beliefs stop us from taking chances and saying yes to aligned opportunities. They stop us from pushing the edge of our discomfort that leads to our growth.
We experience the world through the lens of our conditioning, and most of the time, this lens is smudged, and even severely outdated.
It is only when we learn how to decondition ourselves that we can step into our authentic selves and live fulfilling lives. It is through this authenticity that we connect with our soul and align to our larger purpose in life.
Here’s the amazing thing: You can use your voice and share your story now, even as you decondition.
When we make our unconscious conditioning conscious, we take control of the narrative and write our own story in a more empowering way. These stories have the power to connect and inspire.
In my upcoming workshop "Unravel the Story of You", you’ll learn how to use your story to communicate your values, build a timeless brand, and how to brand yourself as times change, even as you evolve over the years.
You’ll learn how to become a truly magnetic individual that can use your story to connect and network with a higher frequency and energy, which allows you to attract aligned opportunities and clients, and manifest your dreams and goals with much more ease and flow.
If you're ready to do what it takes to live in alignment and show up with authentic confidence, join us at this workshop! I'm excited to be collaborating with to people I respect - the founders of wander + bloom. Having been personally transformed by their work, I've become a much stronger speaker and authentic communicator.
We're conducting this interactive workshop - "Unravel the Story of You", combining the spiritual and practical parts of owning your story.
You'll leave the workshop:
- Knowing EXACTLY what’s holding you back from reaching your next level goals
- Learn what it takes to truly live a more authentic and fulfilling life
- Leave with practical ways to use your unique story to grow your career and business, especially in speaking, networking, and personal branding
This is a ONE-TIME-ONLY workshop, and the value you'll receive goes way beyond the $50 ticket price.
For more details of the workshop / to sign up, CLICK HERE
I'll love to hear what you think, feel free to share your thoughts on IG or LinkedIn and tag me! :)
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x Rae