the honest BTS of my life
May 03, 2024 1:00 pm
hey ,
I feel out of place. I feel like I've outgrown my current home. I don't know how my life is gonna look like in a few years ohmygoodness... urgh... *spaces out* Omg this reminds me of something I wanna talk about in my next Instagram post. *spaces out* Also... i need to have that tough conversation with my dad sighpie urgghhh.
My brain runs at 120km/hour with zero stop signs. Sometimes I feel like I know my life's plan, and sometimes I feel like I've nothing figured out.
As of now, here is what lies in my "Uncertain" and "Certain" buckets:
"Uncertain" bucket:
- Where my home is, where I want to explore/ live in the next phase of life
- How my relationship with my family may evolve when I leave the nest
- How does "scaling my business" look like for me?
- What other ways I'd be helping people Own their Voice -- what other mediums? Exploring the media and entertainment industry? But is that even possible? How can I stand out, or how can I even break into it?
- My love life
- and more...
"Certain" bucket:
- I am living my life in embodiment of "Owning my Voice" and I want to empower others to do the same.
There are many decisions I am planning to make that doesn't make "business sense". It definitely does not make financial and practical sense. Decisions like: spending a month in Bali, making an expensive trip to the US for 2 weeks to attend a workshop, choosing a city to move to for 2 years...
and the hardest truth to swallow: leaving the "home" I've known all my life - the physical home where my family and friends are, and the metaphorical home, which is the dream life I've created for myself with beliefs that have served me so far.
Someone asked me recently: How do you find your purpose? How do you know you're moving towards the right direction?
The truth is: You'll never know what the right direction is, you can only know what step feels right for you in this season of life, by leaning into your intuition and trusting that little voice of courage and truth whispering from within.
No one will fully understand your challenges and decisions. No one can even begin to understand why your dreams and desires are so important that you would give up what you already have, to fight for what your heart longs for.
Your friends and family can love you so deeply, and yet hurt you with their ignorance and words. They can offer to hold space for you, but only you will understand the meaning of your tears and indecision.
You can be inspired by someone’s story and be guided by their journey, but only you can walk your own path. It is you who will be confronting your fears, breaking down your beliefs, and building your dreams.
Most importantly, people don’t need to understand your decisions and your dreams in order for them to be valid.
You will be leading your own life. Along the way, you will meet people walking the same path as you, but there will be goodbyes, because their path is not yours, and your path is like no other.
And the beautiful thing is: with every step of your journey, as you grow a deeper relationship with yourself and a deeper connection with your voice, you develop a stronger voice to lead and inspire. You lead with your imperfection, you inspire with your vulnerability.
The more honest you are with yourself, the more honest you can be with your expression of self.
The meaning of "Owning Your Voice" has evolved over the years. I used to think that life would be perfectly fine if I could:
- Figure out what I wanted, get over all my fears, be confident (and never have to deal with this again)
- Earn lots of money and gain lots of credibility
- Finally use my voice and be able to inspire others
I constantly tried to find ways I could shortcut this process. I wanted so badly to 'figure things out' fast, and got so frustrated when I haven't got it all figured out.
I realised that it is impossible to "have it all figured out". There's no way we can guarantee certainty in our plans, because life doesn't guarantee certainty.
When we try to guarantee certainty and exert unrealistic control of our outcomes, we disallow magic and possibility into our lives.
If you're at a point in your life where you're looking towards the next step of your evolution and growth, here are some questions to marinate over:
- Even if you appear to be successful, ask yourself -- are you truly happy and fulfilled with your life path? In what ways can you show up with even more authenticity and alignment in your career, your relationships, your communication?
- In what ways is your life "certain" now? How can you affirm yourself with these "certain" parts, and create safety within yourself to explore the "uncertain" (I also like to see uncertainty as possibility)
- What are some of your deepest desires you have inside you that you're afraid to acknowledge? What are you afraid of? What challenges are you anticipating? What relationships do you fear 'rocking'?
Honestly, it took me a lot to share this behind-the-scenes of my life. I haven't got it all figured out, and it's scary, tbh. But you know what? Despite all the things I haven't figured out, I am am truly happy. I live everyday excited for what I'm currently doing, and even more excited for what's to come.
I know that every step I take and decision I make IS in alignment with my being. And that is how I know I am in the right direction. I cannot predict the future, but I know my future is going to be as beautiful as my present, because I'm taking every step with intention and alignment.
I'll love to hear your responses :)
Share with me what stood out to you by taking a snapshot of this email letter, and sharing your thoughts on Instagram or LinkedIn. I've shared my honest BTS, and I'd love to hear yours :)
Alternatively, drop me a DM on Instagram, or join my Telegram Tribe here!
and as always, If you want to further elevate your speaking and communication and truly Own Your Voice, you're invited to join the Own Your Voice 6-months coaching program, find out more here, or watch my free masterclass (it's brand new and updated!) to get a clearer idea on what your immediate focuses should be in terms of owning your voice.
You may also purchase my online courses at
Remember, you have everything it takes to Own Your Voice.