fear of judgment: the ultimate solution
Apr 12, 2024 10:00 am
Hey ,
The higher you climb, the greater the fear of judgement... IF you don't work on it earlier on in life.
"Rae, I really can't bring myself to post on social media, I'm really so so scared of being judged, or having my words and vulnerability used against me..."
"I don't want to risk potential clients gossiping about me so I might as well put on a perfect front..."
I work with rising leaders and one of the biggest struggles they deal with, deep down, is fear of judgement. This is especially the case when they now have multiple roles where they are depended on - like being a mom, leader, partner, etc.
As we rise, there seems to be more risk when using your voice... But also, there's bigger potential for massive impact.
We are meant to use our voice to share what's in our hearts. The only thing stopping us is fear.
The belief you truly want to integrate is this: When I continue to show up fully as my authentic self, with integrity and alignment, the right people and opportunities will come to me.
This means you have to make peace with the fact that when you show up as you are, there WILL be some people who disagree/ don’t vibe with you/ think you’re too much. Just as there will be some people that think you’re just right for them.
You have to trust that your people are intelligent, resourceful, and whole. They will have the wisdom to do their own due diligence when searching for a mentor/ coach/ friend/ etc.
-- this is TRUSTING those people out there to have the wisdom to check with you for clarification, if they heard gossip about you.
So often the way we speak reeks of fear. This week, think about how you can look through the lens of love.
xx rae