when you don't see progress and it's frustrating

May 17, 2024 10:00 am

Hey ,

I've been taking dance classes for one week. Every single day, 2-3 classes a day. (videos in my instagram highlights!)

There are times I’ve wanted to cry, have a fit and whine, when I can’t get the steps right. There was one class where I really wanted to give up and leave, especially when I see the 20 over people around me catching up while I fail to do so.

But... what I’ve learnt is that it’s important to remember why I started in the first place: because I enjoy it, and it makes me feel connected with my body.

It can get frustrating when you put in the hours and you don’t see progress. That speech you've been working on? The hours you've been putting into practicing networking, speaking, content creation? Sometimes it can feel like there is no light at the end of the tunnel.

Here's the truth: There IS progress, you just don’t see it yet. The progress is in the mindset and heartset. The progress is in building a more compassionate relationship with yourself as you learn, practice and grow. Every intentional minute you put into practice, you build your muscle memory and emotional capacity for more.

Time spent having fun is never wasted time. 

You enjoying the experience, flowing in the moment, being deeply connected with yourself — that is time well spent. 

So learn to enjoy it — every moment of it. Like my gym instructor says: "Enjoy the paiiiinnn!" (he's Brazilian so it actually feels less painful when he says it, haha). It is when you learn to enjoy the journey, the highs and the lows, that you'll find yourself making progress faster than you know. One day you'll look at yourself and realise — wait, it doesn't feel as hard! I did improve! And then we're on to the next challenge :)

This is exactly what we do in the Own Your Voice Circle. The Own Your Voice Circle is a 6-month 1:1-group hybrid coaching circle where you're guided through a personalised process for you to Own Your Voice based on your challenges and goals. Best part is, you do it with other rising leaders who are also on their journey of owning their voice.

If you choose to take this opportunity in this season of your life to journey with me and oyv peeps to Own Your Voice, let me hold space for you in a 45 mins discovery call. You’ll leave with a clearer idea of what Owning Your Voice looks like for you. You'll learn what you need to build a deeper and more trusting relationship with your life, such that you'll enjoy using your voice every step of the way.

Simply click this link to watch my 2 hour masterclass that dives into my Own Your Voice Methodology and the link to apply for your discovery call lives there too :)


Keep shining as you are! If this resonates with you, share it with someone who might too :)

xx Rae

ps: here's a pic of me in hiphop class :)

