Hey ,The most common compliment I get is: Rae, you just have this... presence, I don't know how to describe it.Someone I've only met once while travelling told me: Rae, you have this gift of being unforgettable.Multiple times, I've met someone new wh...
Hey ,Each and everyone of us have the potential to use our voice for massive impact, but it gets taken out of us early. Fear entered when someone told us there was a first place, second place, third place, and that some efforts deserve an A and some...
Hey ,Here's how I deal with the days I lack confidence.First, I lie in bed and think of a million and one ways that I could live on a remote island and have no one know who I am.Then I let all my dark, shameful thoughts flood through... observing fro...
Hi ,It's been a whole 24 days since I spoke to you here as I've been travelling Europe with my family for the past 2 weeks. And as much as I love my family (I really do), travelling with them for this long is... a lot of mental load.To be planning th...
Hi ,It's been a whole 24 days since I spoke to you here as I've been travelling Europe with my family for the past 2 weeks. And as much as I love my family (I really do), travelling with them for this long is... a lot of mental load.To be planning th...
Dear ,I'm just going to say it. Most of our personal problems is a result of not acknowledging or accessing our inner wisdom.Our inner wisdom is the guidance that comes from within, the connection with our personal truth, that deep knowing that shine...
Hey , I wanna do something a bit different with this week’s email. I wanna share with you some powerful perspectives that have expanded my mind and felt like a healing balm to my heart. I’ll leave you with some questions to reflect on for the weekend...
Dear ,“I’m indecisive. I’m terrible at making decisions.” I felt this about myself for the longest time. It is the decisions that seem utterly life-changing that torment me. Which university course to choose? Should I stay or leave a business partner...
Hey ,The last time I organised an in-person event was... 2 years ago! Well, apart from my live talkshow series the whole of last year.In October 2022, I spontaneously organised a walk and talk, where I brought a group of absolute strangers from my s...
Dear , It's my birth home Singapore's 59th birthday today, which got me thinking: What makes a home? As you may know, I've been struggling with falling into the workaholic cycle for years. In April earlier this year, I flew to Bali for my good friend...