Dear ,When I first started as a coach, I felt the immense need to ensure my coachees get the results they want. Not just that, I wanted them to get the results that I want for them."This is what a good coach and service-provider does!"— I thought.Pra...
Dear ,Sigh. I feel utterly alone. No one understands.On the outside, people see me as inspiring and confident. What if they find out how messy I am inside? I procrastinate, I'm not making consistent revenue, I don't know exactly where I'm going... Th...
Dear , Our House Party has started and I just love to hear the 'aha' moments from our party peeps 🎉I designed Rising Leaders House Party 🎉 not to give you more content, info, and ‘secret hacks’. I created this as a healing balm to ambitious, p...
Dear ,What is the greatest form of wealth?Is it— Relationships? Time? Health?While all of these are important and of infinite value… there’s something much greater— which I’ll share with you today.But before that, a story.The most common comment I re...
Dear ,Every now and then I venture into the dating apps because... well because I've zero drama in my life so sometimes I like some fun (we're all human right??) These are the common remarks I hear...“I’ve been on the dating apps for 1 week now and l...
Dear ,💡 You're building your brand with everything you think, say, and do (or don't do).You may think: "Rae, I'm working a corporate job, I don't intend to build a brand online..." or "Rae, most of my clients come to me through referrals, I don't wa...
Dear ,THIS is what happens when you join us at the Rising Leaders House Party 🎉💫 On the first day — you'll feel a sense of release. All the pent up emotions, frustrations, shame, hurt, grief… to meet them, hold space for them, and prove to you...
Dear ,Before I share about this exciting secret dinner... I wanna share with you why this is so special to me.I've heard people saying how entrepreneurship is a lonely journey. How people get lonelier transiting into adulthood. But is it true?Now, If...
Dear ,I met my Unique Voice at 21. Very briefly.It was almost like a ghost, an illusion, or sort of a secret lover — I didn't know I had it, or was allowed to meet her at all.I mean, for 21 years, I've been working towards a life I thought I needed t...
Hey , Most personal branding gurus already state the obvious: “be unique!”. And it's true— this has become a non-negotiable. Because we're living in a loud, distracting and AI-dominated world. Question is: How can we cut through the noise and speak t...