Hi ,Thank you so much for joining me at yesterday's masterclass! Owning Your Voice is not an easy task, and I'm genuinely so heartened that each and every one of you decided to take a courageous step towards building a more loving relationship with y...
Hi ,The Masterclass is in 30 MINUTES! See you, and please be on time. :) Here's the Zoom LinkTopic: How to Build Undeniable Confidence, Speak with Impact, and Create a Timeless BrandTime: Feb 17, 2024 10:00 AM SingaporeJoin Zoom Meetinghttps://us02we...
Hey , The last time I taught my signature masterclass was in 2021. That was the first time I revealed my newly minted Own Your Voice Methodology - which was initially called the R.A.E experience (lol, cringe!) I don't know if you realise but - R.A.E...
Hi ,The Masterclass is TOMORROW! See you, and please be on time. :) Here's the Zoom LinkTopic: How to Build Undeniable Confidence, Speak with Impact, and Create a Timeless BrandTime: Feb 17, 2024 10:00 AM SingaporeJoin Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoo...
Hey , You've been on my email list for a while now, so I'm sure you've heard me talk about what it means to Own Your Voice. You'll know that Owning Your Voice is way beyond being a competent speaker/ communicator. Owning Your Voice is the commitment...
Hey ,Have you ever thought -- "Ah, when I move to a new company, I have to prove myself all over again"It gets frustrating when you have to "restart" building your reputation and relationships when you enter a new working environment. But do you real...
Hey ,It's been a while since I've spoken about "Overcoming the Fear of Speaking Up or Public Speaking."I believe all of us want to use our voice for something. Without fear, we would be speaking our truth and advocating for ourselves. We want to use...
Hey ,I hate to be the deliverer of cold hard truth, but I promise, read till the end and you'll realise this is good news.We're living in a time where simply having adequate skillset and knowledge is no longer enough in this world. Someone else with...
Hey , I thought I'll do a lil self-introduction for any new friends here! I’m Rae, a global speaker, host, and speaking coach. I guide rising leaders to #OwnYourVoice, whether they desire to lead at work or with their businesses. Owning Your Voice is...
Hey ,For those who joined me at the workshop on Sunday, I hope you're flowing nicely into 2024! Here is the workshop recording that will be available for 1 week. Please watch it before 17 January, Wednesday :) Recording Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/...