Our 5 years of pain, for their 5 years of gain.

Oct 08, 2020 5:07 am

Have you ever felt like you are not confident of the "value" you have to offer other people? Unsure of yourself, constantly second guessing your decisions, and by the end of the day you have an empty, unfulfilled feeling?

That was me. That is a lot of us.

But then I switched something in my life. I started living by the quote "each one, teach one." Meaning, I reflected on my life and thought about how I could give back and teach others based on my own faults and failures.

Because the best way to get out of our own rut, is to go help other people!

The fact is, we have all made mistakes, messed up, and failed in many ways. Yet, what separates great people from the rest...they use those "failures" as learning lessons, and then they go serve other people and help them avoid the same mistakes that they made.

Not only that, they surround themselves with people "ahead" of them and learn from those peoples' failures.

So they are constantly learning, and then teaching their learnings down the community chain.


If you work in the corporate world here are ways you can be immediately VALUABLE...

  1. Mentor the fresh new hires in your company.
  2. Provide support to a new team member.
  3. Help college students on the side with their resumes and interviewing skills.
  4. The list goes on and on.

If you are a freelancer or entrepreneur...

  1. Provide free workshops, lunch & learns, FB/IG lives within your niche.
  2. Mentor younger, less experienced entrepreneurs
  3. Start a mastermind/accountability group to help your fellow business owners/freelancers achieve their goals
  4. The list goes on and on.

If you are a student...

  1. Help younger students prepare for their futures (resumes, network, clubs/groups).
  2. Start a club or group for one of your passions
  3. Give your time to local high schoolers who are working towards going to college
  4. The list goes on and on.

Moral of this story, no matter your age, experience, demographic, or skill level...you have the ability to teach & help others out there. You also have the responsibility to keep learning no matter how "successful" you become.

If you focus on having this mindset, and providing VALUE to your communities, the universe will reciprocate positive energy back to you in ways you cannot even fathom.

ps: If you are looking to teach something, we host weekly Lunch & Learns in our Thrive On Life mighty network, and we'd love to have you share your skills/lessons/passions with our community!!! It is an inclusive space that leaves our ego's outside of the meeting, as we are there to support each other and help one another #levelup

So if you have ever wanted to teach/public speak, but it is one of your fears, now is your chance to knock this off your bucket list within a group that will wholeheartedly support you!


Keep learning, keep teaching, keep THRIVING fam!


