Oct 10, 2020 7:41 pm

This is one of the most VALUABLE emails I have ever written. I hope it gives you some clarity.

Most people wait for inspiration/motivation to hit them before they take action.

I challenge you to do the opposite. Whatever you are thinking of this weekend, take immediate ACTION on it. You'll be surprised how inspired and motivated you can make YOURSELF from doing so.

Here's an example of how I did this very thing. I want to encourage you to be able to DO THE SAME THING in your own way/life.

Two days ago I woke up reflecting on this year, as well as pondered what I want next year to look like.

What I realized, was that it is time for me to take action in the group business coaching space. I have currently maxed out my time helping others one-on-one, so I need to step into a new era that will allow me to help as many people THRIVE as possible.

Yet, instead of pondering all day...for days... on this idea. I took immediate action and threw together some IG stories to see if anyone is interested in #levelingup their life & business with me.

Below is EXACTLY the action I took. (FYI it is another 7-10 minute read from here. I promise you that you will get something out of it though. After reading it, think about how you can take IMMEDIATE ACTION towards your own passions/goals/dreams in your own life. And if you need some specific help, message me!!!


ABOVE: I start the story with how I was feeling to give the viewer context.

BELOW: I state my first reflection of this story. Corey and Ellie are two people who have went from "clients" to family for me. Through helping them with their businesses, I have grown as a coach, and a overall human, and I am forever thankful for that. I showed this so the viewer could see my WHY I do what I do, and WHO I do that for.


BELOW: Because I am talking about going from 1-on-1 coaching, into group coaching, I showcase that I am already working with groups of teens and adults in group settings already.

Facilitator for 6-credit college course ThriveOnLife Lunch & Learns Educator


BELOW: I then state another one of my reflections, to be quite honest, this reflection truly angers me. Social Media does a great way of trapping people in this belief that they are not "good enough" and that their life is not "worthy" of telling a story about. I am here to tell you that that is BULLSHIT. You are worthy. You do have a story to tell. You can earn the life you wish to live.

But it will take YEARS of HARD WORK, RISK, and BUMPS IN THE ROAD...

It is sooooo worth the journey though!


BELOW: I showcase through my own journey that true entrepreneurship does not look like laying on a beach all day, or traveling in jet planes everywhere, it is YOU IN THE TRENCHES. Every day battling to get 1% percent better at your craft. Working your ass off to help others around you. And ultimately LIVING a life that you never need a vacation from. Because this is your passion, and you are willing to do whatever it takes to continue the progress forward.

Anyone can have this. This is why I showed it. I am just a dude with a knack for being gritty, never giving up, and extremely passionate about helping others. I am not a genius. I am FAR FROM PERFECT. I don't have all the answers, and never will.

But I refuse to stop seeking answers. I willingly START new things all the time even if I am "dumb" at them because I want to share the answers that I find with others. We all can go so much further, TOGETHER!

I encourage you to live life in a similar way. It is a hell of a lot of fun!


BELOW: I want the viewer clear on why I am showcasing all of these stories. It is because I want to help other people monetize their passions and earn themselves the FREEDOM that so many people lack. I then ask them if they are willing to invest in themselves to work towards this freedom.


BELOW: For new followers, they have only seen entrepreneur CJ, not the life before the business. So I tell the story below to connect with anyone who is in the corporate world. In many ways I had "the life" to other people.

Money, friends, exciting experiences & traveling, a beautiful girlfriend....

there was only one problem though....

I was not happy.

imageBELOW: I felt completely empty. After busting my ass for 5+ years to play collegiate sports, earn an engineering degree, and lock up a high paying "job" ... I constantly thought to myself, "wait this is what the rest of life looks like?!?!"

Show up to the job every day, stay inside all day, be around mostly unhappy, inauthentic people all day, competing in a rat race going nowhere fast...

for what?

A "good" salary and a 401k match?

Sorry for my language, FUCK THAT!

But before I quit, I tormented myself with anxiety, worry, and depression around what I should do.


BELOW: Over the course of a few months though, the vision of what I truly wanted out of my life, it started to become super clear. And once I had that vision in my mind, all I had to do was reverse engineer down to how to get what I wanted. (The engineering degree turned out it was good for more than just a "job.")


BELOW: The conclusion of reverse engineering.....


BELOW: Learning how to make money on my own. No "job," no salary, no boss telling me what to do every day, no office restricting what I could do, when I could do it, and who I could do it with.


BELOW: My last reflection. Over these last few years, I have learned that I am a coach/mentor at heart. I guess because I have played sports all my life, it is just ingrained in me to want to see the ENTIRE TEAM THRIVING. If I am on the rocket ship alone, it is no fun! I want friends to be with me!!!


BELOW: Because I want to bring other people on the rocket ship, I blatantly just ask who wants to join me on this journey!!!

And 9 people said that they would be interested in hearing more!!! I went from I have an idea, to I am going to take action on this idea, to there are people interested in this idea, all within a day of time. (It took me 20 minutes to do the IG stories, but a full day of letting people read and click the poll).


BELOW: It has taken blood, sweat, tears, and an immense amount of hustle to get to the point that I am at. It will take even more of that for where I want to go. There is one thing I can tell you though, I have had the most fun I have ever had in my life ever since I started my entrepreneurial journey. It forced me to get physically, mentally, and spiritually more fit as a human being. I am now friends with some of the coolest people on this planet. And I am a contributing part of communities from coast to coast that are making a massive impact on this world.

But this isn't about me, this is about YOUUUUUU. Because you can have the same thing in 2021. It starts with you taking action though!

And let me be clear, I am not talking about you becoming an entrepreneur. I don't care what you are, I care WHY YOU DO IT! I hope you reflect and start deciding your why for yourself, rather than letting others decide for you.


If you have read this far, I am extremely grateful for you. THANK YOU!

Do YOURSELF a favor though...

get off your laptop/phone right now, and go take action on that thought in your mind and feeling in your gut...YOU DESERVE TO #thriveonlife

Happy Saturday fam!

Love y'all!

