One of my mental health struggles.

Oct 13, 2020 5:01 pm

To be honest, I have no idea what I am going to write for this.

Right now, in this moment, the subject line is F*ck Motivation. Take Action!

I wrote the above sentence because I am most likely going to change the subject line for this.



It is 9:53PM on a Monday night, after a non-stop day that started at 545AM.

This ^^^ is not a brag by the way. I am very much excited for my bed...I take sleep extremely seriously because of its health benefits.

Speaking of sleep, do YOU ever have trouble

  1. Getting to sleep?
  2. Staying asleep?

If I had to guess, 99 percent of you have experienced the issues above.

Yet, there are two types of characteristics within us that will cause the above. They have a stark difference though.

The worrier.

The dreamer.

All of us have a mix of the above within us. As well as all of us vary in which one we lean towards more. And the majority of us, for the most part, we stay leaned towards one side for our entire lifetime.

Much like the political atmosphere, the worrier tells the dreamer he dreams too much, and the dreamer is constantly trying to get the worrier to worry less. Both never seem to be willing to work together and find a happy medium.

Now with all due respect, we do need both of these. Without worry, we may not eat, drink, take the precautions that save our lives. And we need to continue to dream because it gives us purpose, passion, and pleasure that makes human a hell of a lot of fun.

But just like most things in life, too much of either, turns into being a negative.

Sadly though, when we are leaning too far to one side, we get comfortable and don't even realize we are leaning that way in the first place.

It is like we cannot even see the other side. And even if we could, we cannot fathom changing our ways to shift our tilt.

The one thing in life that is guaranteed though, constant change.

So why not adapt to it?

Why not become so self-aware, and mentally fit, that we can change without hesitation?


I used the analogy of worriers & dreamers as a representation about how we innately as human beings have an internal struggle within us. And when we are not careful, these internal struggles can bleed into external ones.

So when you see someone creating conflict, what it really means is an internal struggle is present. But if we are in our own internal conflict too, we become externally combative as well. Yet, if we have found peace from within, we can then produce a harmony amongst all parties.

Aka, the road to peace, it starts from within.

Cheers to more of us finding our internal peace.


Two days ago was world mental health day. I didn't know this until my friend Seth put out an amazing post on his IG about it. Seth is the type of friend everyone should have in their life, and I am grateful for his courage within his writing. It has inspired me to work my way towards opening up more.

Tonight I took a step in that direction.

I wrote what I wrote above because one of the biggest mental health issues I have suffered with over the years, and I believe others do as well, is a constant battle between not worrying too much, and not dreaming about the future too much.

This will leave you literally in your own little world. Completely not phased by the reality that is right in front of us. I can't even count the number of minutes in a day that flash by me and I did not even realize it. As I write this now, I am ashamed at myself for letting precious life slip away. It is moments like this why I remember I create ThriveOnLife in the first place.

My wife Erin could tell you a million times that I have lost things, left things, misheard things, etc, because I am in LA LA land.

This is getting long, so I do want to end this for you.

The cure to my mental stress has always been ACTION. The more I just take action, make the first step, write the first word, be the first to say hello, be okay with being the first to mess life has always seemed to get better & more joyful when I follow that approach.

This email for instance, I neither dreamt about what it should be about, nor did I worry about writing it.

I just said to myself, "F*ck Motivation. Take ACTION!"

And I took it, so now we are here.

So lets go take MASSIVE ACTION together and bring our LIVES to life in the present moment.

Have a wonderful Tuesday fam!


