Oct 11, 2020 7:33 pm
Have you ever found yourself lacking energy? Questioning why you are feeling that way in the first place?
That used to be me.
But then I took a step back and realized something.
I was running on E, yet expecting myself to feel like I had a full tank....the problem was, I wasn't consistently going for a refill of fuel in the first place
Even worse, when I did go for a refill, I was putting the wrong type of fuel in my body.
Okay CJ, what the hell are you talking about. Be clear, not clever. This is what I have been saying to myself lately.
Here is the clear part that relates to a lot of people...
I would work super hard during the week. Basically run myself into the ground.
Then 5PM on Friday would come around, physically exhausted, mentally foggy, but what would I do?!?
Say YES to going to dinner / drinks with my "friends."
Which meant I said NO to what I really needed.
I fueled my body on unhealthy food, and alcohol, rather than the nutrient dense foods and vitamins that my body needs.
Then I would repeat this habit for weeks, months, years....until I finally snapped out of it and did what is BEST FOR ME.
If this is YOU, don't feel bad!!! To be honest, it is not entirely our fault. It is literally ingrained in our society.
Below is example A & B in an airport I was recently in.
Thiss^^^ really pisses me off. Especially during a global pandemic. THIS IS A LARGER PANDEMIC. And I want to be a part of the positive change of it.
Ask yourself this, on average, how often do you see fast food ads, and alcoholic beverage ads? Then compare this to the amount of healthy food, meditation/mindset/book (educational) ads, and true health / wellness ads (not the crash diet, yo-yo exercise kind)?!?!?
The answer is so disproportional I don't even want to talk about it. Yet, most people sit and wonder why our country is struggling so bad with health. It is right in front of our face. Literally everywhere we go.
As Gandhi said, and I have quoted, before, "YOU must BE THE CHANGE you wish to see in the world."
And that is why I am happy to give a huge shoutout to
They are BEING THE CHANGE by providing a space for people to go 24/7 and refuel in a much healthier way.
And every Saturday they host ice baths and pickup basketball to encourage more people to participate in healthy RECOVERY.
So if you are in the Austin Texas area, feel free to come by and CHILL, literally hahah. The ice baths are no joke! Yet, they help heal your body in so many positive ways.
If there is anything that I hope you take from this message, it is to be more self-aware about your own health and recovery practices. I am giving you permission to say NO to the people, places, and activities that do not REFILL that beautiful cup of yours.
Have a wonderful end to your weekend everyone!