Try WHOOP for FREE with me.

It is FRIDAY!!! Today is going to be a shorter message. As you know, I am a huge advocate for taking your health into your own hands.And one of the most important pieces of your health your SLEEP. Yet you, and millions of others, may be...

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Jan 22, 2021
You potentially have 3 lives.

As you know, I recently turned 30. And I am guessing when everyone turns 30, they start to have some kind of realization about their lives. For me, it was the realization that while life can be short, gone within the blink of an eye, it can also be v...

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Jan 21, 2021
We are at war...

with ourselves. Every day you have choices.Hard choices that could make your life more fulfilling in the long run.Or easy choices that could make you "feel" good now, but could have potentially devastating long term consequences. Unfortunately, we li...

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Jan 20, 2021
Don't be shy...SHARE YOUR GREATNESS!!!

You are smarter, more skilled, and more capable of things than you give yourself credit for. YOU are the one that holds you back from truly shining your light. The moment you can have an objective view of yourself is the day that your life will start...

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Jan 19, 2021
Hard choices, easy life. Easy choices, hard life.

One of the most difficult choices you make every day as an adult is where do you invest your time, energy, and money.In a world filled with exponentially growing noise around, this choice gets tougher every year. The reality is, you, me, we... are al...

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Jan 18, 2021
Seize the day.

It's Saturday, so I won't keep you long.Yesterday I asked you to THINK about your life. I asked you to think about the fact that on any given day, it could be your last.Which means you need to decide to make the most of your days, TODAY.This is the t...

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Jan 16, 2021
Make the most of your life. HERE'S HOW!

Confucius says, "you have two lives, and the second one begins when you realize you only have one."When and how did your second life begin?!My second life began in my mid-twenties when I realized I was getting more and more ill. The high paying job,...

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Jan 15, 2021
Are you happy?

Are you happy?Has anyone asked you that recently?If yes, you know that in the moment, you were potentially caught off-guard, therefore, you probably mumbled off some kind of quick response to brush off the question. To truly answer though, you must d...

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Jan 14, 2021
Why are you so tense?

Tension is who you should be.Relaxation is who you are. -Naval RavikantI want you to do something simple today. It is a quick analysis of your surroundings. Think about your friends, your family, your acquaintances, and yourself. How do they/you show...

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Jan 13, 2021
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. DON'T BE STUPID!

Whether you know it or not, from birth you are entered into a game.You battle as a toddler to grab the attention of your parents.Then in school, you battle for social status with other kids. (Literally you are graded against other people since the ag...

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Jan 12, 2021