You potentially have 3 lives.
Jan 21, 2021 9:14 pm
As you know, I recently turned 30.
And I am guessing when everyone turns 30, they start to have some kind of realization about their lives.
For me, it was the realization that while life can be short, gone within the blink of an eye, it can also be very long.
Meaning, if someone were to live to the age of 90, you sort of live 3 lives all in one.
Upon approaching 30, that is most people's "first life." One where you are focused on your endeavors. Starting to build your career. Maybe you moved a couple times, dated a few people, began the journey of finding who you are, what you love to do, and start asking yourself the question of "why" are you here on this earth?
Once the 30's come though, many people switch into house buying mode, family building mode, aka they are shifting into the second section of their lives.
Their attention switches to providing for their kids and raising a family. The goal should be for the person to preserve the best parts of the individual from the first life, and become even better in the second.
Yet, I feel like too many people let go of that person and forget who they truly are. So by the time they get to their 3rd life...(Retirement / Grandkids / Etc.) they have almost no connection to who they truly ARE, why they are here, and what they want the last 1/3 of their life to look like.
My goal is to blend all 3 of my lives together.
I want to live with the wisdom of the 3rd life, but still take action and have fun as if I am in my 1st one, while still remaining conscious of my surroundings and caring/providing for those around me like in my 2nd.
Why can't we "retire" and travel at 30?
Why can't we run marathons at 70?
Why can't we spend the majority of our time with our kids and our community, rather than at "work?"
The answer is, we can.
And I am planning to do it all.
I encourage you to look in the mirror and possibly consider the same. :)
Happy Thrive Thursday!!!
p.s. today I am grateful that I got to watch another awesome sunrise from my living room.