Seize the day.

Jan 16, 2021 9:21 pm

It's Saturday, so I won't keep you long.

Yesterday I asked you to THINK about your life.

I asked you to think about the fact that on any given day, it could be your last.

Which means you need to decide to make the most of your days, TODAY.

This is the theme of the weekend!

I know the world is upside down right now. But maybe that is exactly what you needed. The blood to rush to your head so you realize that you are in fact ALIVE.

But being alive, and actually LIVING, those are two different things.

And I want you to LIVE.

Here are a few things I am doing today to practice what I preach...

  1. I am putting together an email to send to everyone I have ever had on my podcast. The premise of the email is to thank them for such an amazing journey so far. Podcasting is one of the things that seems to stop time for me. It is such a special piece of who I am, and I am so grateful I get to share that piece of me with so many amazing people in this world.
  2. Going to spend time working out, chatting all things health and wealth in the sauna, and do a cold plunge in an 35 degree ice bath. If you've never done an ice bath, it'll bring you to LIFE really quickly lol.
  3. Cleaning out my house with my wife. We are prepping for it to become an AirBnb property later this year. Now this is a chore, yet it makes me come to life because it is a project that we once dreamed of, and it is now a reality. Bringing ideas/projects/businesses to life is one of the easiest ways to feel most alive.

What are a few things you are doing this weekend to come to life? I'd love to know! We are in this journey together!



p.s. today I am grateful for the sun. I love the fact that I can get my vitamin D fix in January here in the ATX.
