Why are you so tense?
Jan 13, 2021 7:42 pm
Tension is who you should be.
Relaxation is who you are.
-Naval Ravikant
I want you to do something simple today. It is a quick analysis of your surroundings.
Think about your friends, your family, your acquaintances, and yourself. How do they/you show up for themselves/yourself in "real" life? In groups? On social media?
How many of them seem to attract tension wherever they go? Not only tension from others, but it seems they are tense within themselves?
Tension is caused by trying to place a square peg in a round hole.
What I mean by the above is that a lot of people are walking around trying to be somebody that they are not. They do their best to conform to their surroundings, yet everyone can feel the tension within them.
On the other hand, have you ever been around a REAL person. Someone who is themselves, guard down, which then inspires you to put your guard down and be the REAL you? You then feel a form of relaxation?
Sadly, people like this are rare.
Which I exactly why I do my best to strive to be one of them, and I encourage you to do the same.
Stop thinking about what you "should" do in life. Or who you "should" be.
Instead, what MUST you do to make yourself relaxed?
We all need less tension in our lives, and this all starts with the going to the source itself, YOU.
Have a wonderful Wednesday!
p.s. today I am grateful that I get to watch the sunrise and hear the birds chirping as I am writing this. Life is awesome, you just have to be aware of all of it!