We are at war...
Jan 20, 2021 9:05 pm
with ourselves.
Every day you have choices.
Hard choices that could make your life more fulfilling in the long run.
Or easy choices that could make you "feel" good now, but could have potentially devastating long term consequences.
Unfortunately, we live in a day and an age where the people in power, the large media companies, and the ones "writing" the rules... they are building things to make you want to choose the easier choose at all times. (DUHHHH THAT IS HOW CONTROL WORKS. WEAKEN THE OPPOSITION WHERE THEY DON'T EVEN SEE IT. THEN TAKE OVER.)
I have recognized this for awhile now.
Yet, a page out of The Almanack of Naval Ravikant really struck a chord with me recently.
See below.
There are many days I feel alone.
Climbing an uphill battle of doing my best to peel back the layers to showcase how fucked up the daily habits of the average human being are these days. (Myself included. I am no saint.)
Day after day showing up for battle even though I openly know the side I am on is currently losing the war.
How can I compete with Big Pharma? Big Gov't? Big Agriculture? Big Healthcare? Big Tech? When there is so much money and toxic collusion going on?
Let me put an example in laymen's terms.
The people with money invested in Big Agriculture (the people allowing chemicals in our food that other countries don't allow) are the same people with $$$ invested in Big Pharma and the pills they push on people that are sick from the terrible food we eat. Then those same people have $$$ invested in the Insurance companies and healthcare systems that cost the consumer their entire paychecks just to keep themselves alive. And finally we finish off with Big Technology where companies and corporations pay & lobby to have their voice heard more, or to drown out the voices of other's. All of these people are making $$$ hand over fist while the average person is completely unaware.
How many Facebook ad's have you seen floating around from big companies/big gov /big healthcare... talking about getting enough sunlight? Eating nutrient dense food? Meditating? Reading? Nope that's not click-baity enough.
Instead, we constantly see things that anger and trigger us and get a click. Because that is what makes those companies and FB money...clicks.
Now, I am not on here to bash it all without providing some type of solution.
I cannot win the war alone. But WE can.
Each person that stops letting the system take advantage of them...is a person who will start to control their own destiny and sway the ship back in the right direction.
The more people we can get to take care of their health/education/mindset, lend a hand to their neighbor's health/education/mindset ... we can create a world that isn't so easily distracted by every little nuance that occurs.
It is one reason I post so much content. The only way I can be like the wind, and help blow the sails in a new direction, is to TAKE ACTION...over and over and over again. All with hopes it encourages YOU to take action as well.
The solution is constant ACTION in the opposite direction we are headed. Slowly adding one person pulling the rope in this new direction every single day.
Are you up for the task?
We need you!
Thank you for listening to my Wednesday TED TALK.
Time for me to go take more action.
p.s. today I am grateful for the 14 teens who showed up for their first WIT class last night. They come from all different backgrounds...some from Brooklyn, New York, others all the way in Newport Beach, Cali. How blessed I am to work with people who quite literally will be building the future of this world.