Don't be shy...SHARE YOUR GREATNESS!!!

Jan 19, 2021 9:24 pm

You are smarter, more skilled, and more capable of things than you give yourself credit for.

YOU are the one that holds you back from truly shining your light.

The moment you can have an objective view of yourself is the day that your life will start to blossom and become what you hope it to bloom into.

I am writing about the topic the above as a personal example that happens in my own life.

I think the world of my wife Erin. She is incredible at so many things. Yet, often times, she falls into the self-deprecation mindset and is overly critical of herself.

This is where I help pick her up.

And now I will do the same for you!

Do you find yourself being overly critical of yourself?

If so, I have something to tell you.


You are keeping your genius from the world. You are withholding yourself from gifting the world all the special ingredients you have to offer. You are holding yourself back from everything you have ever wanted in life...all because you are too critical of yourself.

It is time to end that now.

Think like this...

Who do you look up to?!?

Write them down.

Why do you look up to them?!?

Write it down.

What do you think they do/have/believe in that you don't?!?

Write this down.

To be honest, I don't really care what you wrote down.


Because whoever it is, whatever they do, and why they do it...

it could just as easily be you.


And it starts with the mindset of you are being selfish by not sharing your gifts with the world. Protecting your ego is neither helping you, or the people your gifts could serve. It is a lose-lose situation...and lets be honest with ourselves, NOBODY LIKES TO LOSE. NOBODY!!!

So, my challenge for you right now is to write down a few ways that you are going to put yourself OUT THERE. Not just once, not just twice, but consistently!

Where/What/How can you share your gifts with the world in a better way?

If you need help with this, RESPOND TO THIS EMAIL.

I literally make a career out of building platforms for other people/brands/businesses to shine their light.

Lets add you into the mix!

Now go turn this Tuesday up a notch!



p.s. today I am grateful for anyone who reads any of these emails and starts to take positive action in their life. I know that taking action can be difficult, yet I also know what those actions lead to. So even if they are small actions right now, I am grateful you are taking them. Whoever and wherever you are. THRIVE ON!
