Make the most of your life. HERE'S HOW!

Jan 15, 2021 9:25 pm

Confucius says, "you have two lives, and the second one begins when you realize you only have one."

When and how did your second life begin?!

My second life began in my mid-twenties when I realized I was getting more and more ill.

The high paying job, the friends, the traveling, the ability to afford a higher quality of life that I always strived for...none of it mattered anymore because every time I went to the bathroom, there was a bloody reminder that my life is finite.

And the reminder still exists today.

Next week I am scheduled with a Gastro specialist for a check-up, as well as to schedule a colonoscopy.

I am only 30 years old.

To the outside world, I may be considered in my prime. (To me, I am far from it. Every day I work to get closer to it though.)

Yet behind closed doors, a struggle that only my family and closest friends have ever seen.

I am not mad about though.

I am not bitter either.

I am grateful.

I am grateful because my second life started a lot sooner than most people's do.

Sadly, many people go their entire lives before realizing what is truly important in this world.

I consider myself lucky that I only went 24 years before I realized what truly mattered.

Because since that time, I have been TRULY LIVING.

And it is my goal to help you do the same.

Your challenge this weekend is to THINK.

Think about how finite your life is.

How at every step, that step could be your last.

Face it head on.

Stop running from that fact.

Stop basing your life on fear.

Embrace the fact that this life is a gift for you to wrap in your own individual way.

It is now time to start living your second life. Today is the day that you realize you only have one life to live.

Your time here is finite.

But your impact here, that can be INFINITE!

So you better be making the most of your time while you still can!!!



p.s. today I am grateful for my life. All of it. The good, the bad, the middle. It is all a bunch of color and experiences that have made me, ME. I wouldn't trade any of them for anything.
