would you be happy with the life you have lived up until this point? There are a lot of "walking dead" around us.Meaning, a lot of people who sadly aren't truly living. Maybe you are one of them.Maybe your parents are one of them.Maybe your friends a...
Help other people improve their own. Whether you notice this or not, but your "success" in life is predicated on the results you help others achieve.Example:Great teachers help their students learn skills & execute on their dreams.Great engineers...
Two days in a row (Sunday, and yesterday) I had 2 different friends mention that they are working to improve their money mindset. And with both of them, I told them their mindset wasn't their issue.Their MATH is!The difference between scarcity and ab...
Life is YOUR game. Stop playing by their rules, start CREATING your own. I hear too many people these days starting sentences with "I can't do XYZ...I will try XYZ... I am lost I don't know where I am going." This all stems from a scarcity mindset wh...
is safe. But god didn't create birds for that."-Paulo CoelhoHe also didn't create humans to sit inside ALONE all damn day, afraid of germs, eating processed foods, drinking high calorie / sugar laced drinks, popping pills.... I could go on and on. To...
with a bigger YESSSS!Have you ever heard of zone of proximal development? If not, go do a quick search. :)Here's the basics of it..."The Zone of Proximal Development is defined as the space between what a learner can do without assistance a...
How much of your day is spent doing things out of obligation, rather than out of your own interests? Is your work an obligation or an interest?Is your health an obligation or an interest?Is your time consumed by obligations, or by interests?For the...
with your actions, yet patient with your results. James Clear posted this on his Instagram yesterday and it got me thinking. I feel so many of us lack patience with other people, yet we don't look in the mirror at ourselves.We are quick to say things...
The subject line is a startup phrase. Often entrepreneurs can get stuck in their own minds without realizing most of the answers they seek... are out in the world and won't come to them while they are "hustling" on their computer or phone. The phrase...
320+ emails written, started with about 125 subscribers, now at 90.131 podcast episodes, just broke the 1k per month download mark.6 years on social media, thousands of posts, still don't have a "large" follower count.Countless other things I have wo...