Be impatient..

Jan 25, 2022 2:04 pm

with your actions, yet patient with your results.

James Clear posted this on his Instagram yesterday and it got me thinking.


I feel so many of us lack patience with other people, yet we don't look in the mirror at ourselves.

We are quick to say things, slow to do them.

Social media has only amplified this.

It is so easy to complain about things today.

Open your phone/laptop and fire off messages of how life isn't the way you want it to be.

The fucked up part, other people will respond and like your complaints/problems more than they will respond to the positive actions that you may take/post.

This trains us even more to just "say" negative things out of a want for attention, rather than actually doing POSITIVE things in reality to change them.

Not you though.

If you are reading this, I know you are the type of person that prioritizes taking action on the things you want out of life.

This is where James Clear's question comes in...what would someone else say about your actions?

How would they describe you?

If it is not in a way that you would like... what type of habits and actions do you need to take to become the person you wish to be?

If they would describe you in a positive way based on your actions, how do you list out ways to continue on the path you are currently blazing down?

Take some time today to think about all of above.

No matter who you are, we all can improve upon the actions we are taking on a daily basis.



p.s. today I am grateful for the Colorado trip over the weekend. I gained a lot of clarity from the trip and I cannot wait to implement some new actions in my life.
