Stop playing by the rules!

Jan 31, 2022 1:36 pm

Life is YOUR game.

Stop playing by their rules, start CREATING your own.

I hear too many people these days starting sentences with "I can't do XYZ...

I will try XYZ... I am lost I don't know where I am going."

This all stems from a scarcity mindset where you limit yourself out of the fear of the unknown.

  1. You can do anything you want if you want it bad enough. I am not saying it will ever be easy though. Anything worth having takes extreme discipline and sacrifice.
  2. There is no "try." There is only do, or don't do. Stop "trying." Be yourself and DO whatever gets your soul LIT UP. Become the person you always dreamed of being... and DO IT RIGHT NOW.
  3. We are all lost. There is no roadmap to LIFE... but that is what makes it so beautiful. Life would be boring AF if you knew all the steps to take with certainty.

What are some new rules you must create in your life this week to get closer to where you hope to be?

What are some new habits you must build to become the person you dream of becoming?

What game are you playing in the first place?!?

Once you define the game, you are able to say NO a lot more to anything that does not align.


Some people love to put suits on and play the corporate sales game every day. How do I know there are people that love this? Because my last "job" was this exact reality. Everyone around me seemed to love showing up to work in their luxury vehicles all suited up ready to crush the day. There was one huge problem though... I hated it.Yet, I judged myself and my "success" based on their game, rather than my own.

While they relished in that game... I stared out the window at the sun, dreamed of doing numerous other things, and I couldn't wait to take that damn suit off and put my workout clothes back on.

So what did I start doing?

Eventually when I defined my own game I started training clients before and after this sales "job." I literally would show up to work in my gym clothes and change into my suit in the public bathrooms... clock in and work the 8-10 hour day... clock out and change back into my training clothes and go train more clients after the "job."

And if you have been following along my journey for awhile, you know this eventually led me to resigning from my salaried job and pursuing my own business.

Moral of the story

I have always THRIVED in the areas that LIGHT MY SOUL UP. Yet, if I am "forced" to play someone else's game... I am literally the worst player on the team lol.

School: I would skip class, sleep on my desk, or get in trouble if I was not interested.

Jobs: I would slack and go on hour long walks, set meetings all day with people I enjoyed spending time with, or do whatever it took to just kill the time and not do my job hahah.

Life: I would drink, smoke, party, because I didn't fully understand that there were other games I could play.

Today, I wake up around 630/7 and immediately start writing, creating, producing. I am playing MY game. And this game lights me up more than I could ever explain in words.

I desperately want the same thing for YOU and millions of other people on this planet!

So again I ask you, what game are you playing? Because it is time you start writing your own rules!



p.s. today I am grateful for the time I got to spend with my wife yesterday. We ran on the lake, went to the farmer's market, ate pizza, spent time in the sauna, and meal prepped together. This is such a reminder that I don't need much in this life to be extremely happy. Just time with those I love most.
